Chapter 4: Tensions are rising... (part II)

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We walked to the front door that had privacy glass with stained glass surrounding it. The doors gracefully opened as I feasted my eyes on the huge chandelier that dropped from the top of the double-volume ceiling to just above the entrance table that had a beautiful blue and white daisies flourishing in a vase. The main entrance had two staircases that led up to the second floor. To say I was amazed is an understatement. Before I could continue to gawk around in awe, Lexi and Adonis sprung out from behind the doors

"HEYA! FINALLY, Y'ALL MADE IT!" she screamed as she jumped onto me before kissing me on the cheek, before doing the same to Kevin

"Well if your friend over here didn't betray us, we would've been here earlier," I said as I punched Adonis in the arm

"Oww, hey look. At least now y'all are getting along."

"Whatever, all I know is you owe me R300"

"Eh, R300 for what Kevin?"

"The Uber smartass."

"Okay okay children, before you bite each other's head's off. Let's go greet the others so we can get the hell out of here." Lexi said as she dragged us through one of the rooms into another

"Antonne I know you need a house tour but we have important work to do today"

"Sure no problem, especially if we are going to be in this glorious maze often," I said as we walked into what looked like an office. As we entered I saw photo frames of the premieres of movies followed by some certificates and formal family photos. Before I could look at the pictures nicely we turned to see a large conference table with at least 10 leather office chairs on either side. Towards the end of the table, the chairs got more scattered before I lay my eyes on two of the most handsome men I've ever seen in my life. One of them was dressed in full formal attire that hugged his buff physique, his hair was a bronze brown colour that was cut down to a buzz cut. He had huge bushy eyebrows in the same colour, followed by a pair of the most intimidating but shockingly warm bronze eyes I've ever seen in my 18 years of living. His lips were moist and pink, which complimented his light brown skin tone very well.

"Oh hey Kids, I see you're getting ready to go. I've got a meeting I needed to get to, I was just finalising some things with Duarte. Handle yourselves with class and please stay safe. I'll see you all later" He said as he stood up from the huge chair, growing rapidly in height like a Great Dane puppy. He walked towards us with urgency and command before he slowed down to do a double take on me "I do not think we have met before, have we?" he asked as he tilted his head sideways, trying to scan my face

"No sir we have not. I'm a friend of Lexi, Adonis and Kevin" I said as I looked to the others for help

"Oh yeah Tio, he's the one I told you about. For the job interview." Adonis chimed in 

"Ohh yeah, Antonne Laguerre. Como estas?"

"Estou bem obrigado e voce?"

"Estou bem," he said as he chuckled and pat me on the shoulder " we will chat later meninos, tchau" he said as he threw up a peace sign and walked out of the room. God, why isn't he my Dad?

"I didn't know you spoke Portuguese," Adonis said, sounding shocked, to say the least

"There's a lot you don't know about me, yet. My mom is Haitian yes but not by birth, by birth, she's from Cape Verde. She ended up in Haiti because of reasons I cannot explain because that would be oversharing." I said as I took a seat while everyone laughed

"Who said you could sit at our table just like that?"Duarte, the second most handsome man in the room asked.

"Sorry I just thought tha-"

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