Chapter 19

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Soon, the crowd disperses. It is, after all, him they have come to see, not the Pharisees, not the priests, and not the scribes. I look on at the group of men that I know all too well. They are in the front of the temple, off to the side, their heads bent towards one another in discussion. I can practically feel the anger burning from their lips.

I shiver, and wonder if I can go to them now. I wonder if I can get what I realize I must obtain.

Phanuel had always been partial to Father. He had even come to the house after his death - he had been the only one who had left money, even if it was a small sum.

He is there with the others, and a glimmer of hope rises in my chest.

I take a deep breath and get down from the ledge. I will try it, once they are done talking.

In a few minutes, they disperse, and I hurry to Phanuel, pulling back my veil so he can see me.

True to my expectations, his face lights up and he reaches out his hands to clutch my head and kiss me.

"Hanna!" he says. "You are here!"

I nod, and then I lower my voice. "Please, can we talk privately for a moment?"

A flicker of agitation crosses his face, but he nods. "I am very busy, but...come this way, just for a moment."

Heat rises in my chest. This is not a good start.

He pulls me to a quiet corner and I take a breath. I must try anyway. I must convince him.

"Phanuel," I say. "I have going with Ephraim. I had to flee from him now. He took another wife and then he beat me. I lost our child. I am in agony. Please, grant me a divorce."

My eyes are suddenly filled with tears, and I can see I have reached him. "Please Phanuel, I have nowhere else to turn. Mother has..."

Phanuel nods. He knows. Everyone probably knows.

"My daughter," he says. "I will confer with the rest of the council. Take heart. The law is on your side."

I nod but a strange agony still gnaws at me. I should be relieved, but somehow, I am not.

"Thank you," I say. "A thousand times thank you."

"Come back in two days," he says. "You will have your answer."

I nod and wipe the tears away from my eyes.

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