"You need to tell River what happened" she told me and I knew I had to, but how do you tell your sister who you just reconnected with, that you killed someone.

"I know, I don't want to lose her though" I said and felt tears well in my eyes as Luiza turned me around and placed her hands on my face.

"Even if you do, you still have me" she said and kissed me making me smile, "I'll give Aurora some snacks and stay there with her and Darcy while you both talk" she said and I thanked her and kissed her again as she walked away and I made my way into the backyard.

"Okay, I'll be there soon" River said and hung up the phone.

"Everything okay?" I asked her as I leaned against the wall.

"Not really, she just phoned me to tell me that an old employee of ours Jordan has committed suicide but the news says that in an note was his notes and all the stuff he has done like trafficking, drug use, all that sort of stuff. I told her to go home but it's insane" she said and I didn't know what type of way she is feeling.

"They said a suicide?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, apparently it's seem like it, weird, not long ago I saw him and we had a fight but I never expected this" she said and I ran my hand over my face.

"I did it" I blurted out and River looked at me confused, so I elaborated, "I killed him and made it seem like a suicide" I told her and she took a step back.

"I don't- what are you saying?" she asked and it was time to tell but it's either I lose her forever or she is just as crazy as I am.

"When you told me about this Jordan about what he did to Caitlyn and to yourself, I don't know I guess I got too over protective and I have friends in positions that can do things under the books and I trust them enough. So I asked them to find information on Jordan first and it was a lot, like you said the human trafficking, drug usage, there's was a lot more but they found him and took him to an abandoned factory and I slowly tortured him to dead I guess but they dealt with it. They cleaned every hint of my DNA and theirs and made it out as a suicide and with all the information we had to reveal the type pf person he was" I told her as I watched a range of emotions on her face come and go.

"River please say something" I begged and I took a step forward but she didn't move.

"Okay" she said and I looked at her, "Okay?" I repeated.

"Okay, I take it as you took a very bad guy of the streets but there could of been a better way to handle this" she said and I nodded.

"I know, but I couldn't control myself, I'm so sorry" I said and she took my hands.

"It's okay, but you ever though about taking a career in the CIA or FBI?" she asked and laughed and I nodded.

"I did for a while but then I went to prison so I don't think that will happen" I told her and she nodded.

"These friends of yours, how many are there and you do like hang out as normal people right, like you do have friends right?" she asked and I laughed at that.

"We do hang out yeah, every weekend, either at someone's home or we just go out and there's eighteen of them" I told her and her eyes widened.

"How may helped you in what happened?" she asked and I looked at her.

"Only 3" I told her and she looked shocked.

"Damn, they must be good at what they do" she said and I agreed. It didn't come as a surprise to me.

"Look, how about you go see Caitlyn, make sure she is okay, let Darcy stay here and I'll take her home later on" I told her and she nodded and left but gave me her address for where she and Darcy live. As she left I went to the kitchen to see Luiza tidying up.

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