Amity (a POV before chapter 28)

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Amity POV

I walked around gathering information on how this happened to my Luz what went wrong how did this happen exactly in the first place it was because I left her alone even if it was for her to go to the bathroom but I'll work with it and have to find her bigger clothes more food and a thicker brush to brush all that fur she has claws so I should probably get a couple of med kits and bandages just in case and a lot more conditioner and shampoo I don't really care though I got plenty of money to spend with the money I get from work and for my family due to my mom's business God I hate her so much little to her knowledge I'm not joining the emperor's coven I'm going to wait till I'm certain age before I can strike I'll make it seem like natural causes and I'll take over the business and improve the machinery and weapons I've always had more attention with mechanical stuff.

besides studying thanks to my dad I always wanted his attention I deeply wanted to be able to share something in common with him so maybe I'll do something he did in his youth? I thought of Luz again... maybe we can get married and have. Kids Luz's biology she wouldn't be able to do anything but I can with magic only when she says yes I'll give her a life she wanted but without anyone to steal her away of course.

I'll get her a pet too she won't have to do housework because I make sure we have Butlers so she can have time for herself and for us or kids

Oh Luz I can already see it... It makes my heart pound my knees feel weak my palms sweaty as much as I know she deserves her freedom humans tend to get depressed, and go a little crazy without being able to socialize I'll work with that I just can't let her go I cannot let her she can't leave ever

But I will be sure she gets everything she needs she will never be hungry she will never be bored time to time I'll let her explore I'll take her out to do fun activities
She can go anywhere she wants just not where people can take her or harm her in fact I just start planning out now but in case it goes wrong I'm going to have to use a very powerful spell to wipe everyone's memories including luz I'll put her back in the owl house make it seem like nothing happened.  So I have more time to plan  before putting my real plan into action I got to consider the possibilities possible errors and delays I can't mess up now

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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