failed: chapter seventeen

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Luz crawled out a window she broke open which took her an entire hour "god i cut myself" she landed on the ground and made a run for it holding her bleeding arm she looked around seeing her surroundings into the dark forest tripping over a branch she fell down the hill and slammed her head into a something hard "agh- fuck!"
taking another glance around the area standing up as she continues to run the path she turned to something grabbed her leg and pulled her back "crap!" She looks to see a tall dark figure with an ear to ear wide smile "get away from me!" Kicking the figure in the face unwrapping whatever it was that wrap around her leg, running away as fast as her legs could carry her bleeding out soon everything around her was blurry 'no..! I can't faint..! Not now!'

The latina cried out loud feeling a sharp pain in her lower stomach, She was being stabbed barley getting out of its grasp she drew a plant glyph into the dirt attacking the creature she ran away as soon as possible crying as she held her stomach tightly hiding behind a tree covering her mouth 'I'm gonna die!... I'm bleeding to much i don't have anything to stop the bleeding...!" A few minutes passed it seemed like the figure was gone she waited a few more seconds someone picked her up and ran she closed her eye tightly as she felt herself shaking in fear now sobbing "luz! Your gonna be okay!" That voice she looks up to see amity holding her panicking tears in her eyes "your gonna be okay...!" "Hang on..!" Luz rested her head on Amity's chest as she slowly closed her eyes halfway Amity noticed "luz stay with me..! Stay with me!" She tries her hardest to keep her eyes open the witch entered the house closing the door behind her running to the bathroom laying luz down on the bathroom floor grabbing whatever she could to use for the injuries slowly and gently lifting up luz's shirt seeing the wounds in her lower stomach amity cleaned the blood and infections before patching up the wounds two on luz's arm most bandages around luz's stomach "I'm gonna have to help you get out of these clothes but just your shirt and I'll have my abomination help since you need privacy," she nodded as amity threw away the blood filled bandages and rags 'she's gonna have to take it easy for awhile she lost so much blood' fully taking off her shirt then summons her Abominations leaving the room standing outside the door grabbed the clothes that was handed to her walking away and placing them somewhere grabbing new clothes walking back to the bathroom slightly opening the door handing luz her clothes "amity I'm having a hard time getting the shirt on." She groaned from the pain amity entered the bathroom and helped luz put her shirt on

Laying in bed Luz zoned out a bit during the lecture amity was giving her she felt amity grab her by her good arm she saw her glare with tears in the corner of her eyes "Never. Do. That. Again" she nodded holding Amity's hand "I'm sorry mi batata" the witch got in the bed with her as she gently and carefully wrapped her arms around her 'mom and dad are still out of town I can make an excuse to stay longer Ed and Em can cover me' amity kissed luz on the forehead gently she felt her girlfriend relax into her arms

Waking up and looking around luz noticed amity was gone but before she could sit up she felt a hand on her shoulder "breakfast is ready" amity helped luz sit up giving her food to her amity brought more things to luz to entertain her so she could hardly get bored knowing she would have something to do

As amity took off the bandages to replace them with new ones also using healing spells she learned "luz I love you so much so im letting you off easy especially with you being injured" luz sighed "you are gonna stay in your room for a few weeks" amity picks up luz and took her to the room placing luz on her bed 'she keeps getting injured' Amity gently grabbed luz by her chin making her face amity "I don't like seeing you covered in bandages" luz held her hand a bit tighter allowing amity to give her kisses and to snuggle her knowing amity was being cautious about it to not hurt luz, amity held luz close and fell asleep looking around the room she yawned and fell asleep

Amity woke up and checked the time which was midnight accidentally waking up luz facing her girlfriend "sorry i didn't mean to wake you" luz yawned while stretching "its fine Ami" she gave luz a few more kisses holding her closer "luz" "hm?" "I love you" "I love you too" seeing the calming smile on Amity's face she felt herself relax as luz and amity held hands amity looked at luz's hands gently rubbing her thumb on her hand noticing the small cuts 'her hands are bigger then mine' she noticed luz was lost in thought she touched luz's nose catching her attention "boop" it made luz chuckle so luz did it back amity smiled she leaned in and kissed luz only for a few seconds then looked at luz "your so beautiful" the latina blushed "your pretty as well" amity giggled "I love your smile your laugh personality you have beautiful eyes" luz felt butterflies in her stomach
She sees amity got up and leave the room luz fell back asleep

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