hangout : chapter 1

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Amity drawing little hearts with a L+A all over her notebook paper she looked over to see the sleeping brunette peacefully sleeping 'she is cute when she's sleeping' like an angle' she turned back taking notes
"Who can answer this next question? Anyone?" Amity raised her hand "not cutting the peddle right can mess up the dream potion which could result someone getting hurt" "exactly"
The bell ranged everybody left the classroom without looking back..well except Amity and Luz. The mint haired girl walked up to her crush and gently tapped her shoulder Luz slightly lifted her head ".hm?.." Amity smiled and looked at the brunette "hey class is over come on sleepy head" the teen sat up and stretched in her seat "heh okay" she stood up and grabbed her bag they both leave the room "hey Luz I was wondering if you wanted to hangout at the library to study and later on get snacks?" Luz yawned "sure I'm down" she gave her friend a warm smile which made Amity's heart flutter 'god I love her smile' school was finally over as willow and Gus parted their ways from Amity and Luz it was just the two of them alone, After the secret room door closed Amity sighed and dropped her bag under the table Luz sat on the bean bag next to Amity "so what are we studying for?" Amity pulled out her books and placed them on the desk "this exam coming up"
Luz jumped "we have an exam coming up?" Amity chuckled "yes dummy" Luz gave a slightly panic look "tsk you didn't pay attention huh?" The latina slowly nodded and gulped "no need to panic you know I'm gonna help you" "you're a life saver!" Luz sighed of relief " I owe you one" Amity gave a soft smirk 'you will soon enough love' Luz grabbed her books and turned to certain pages, Not realizing her friend kept an eye on her like a predator watching prey
Luz looked up at Amity "how long do we have to study?" "Two hours" "..what.." she huffed. Ten minutes had passed as Luz looked at the time "this is so longgg can we take a break?"
Amity stretched " a little break wouldn't hurt" Luz stood up stretching her back and laid on the floor "my brain hurts" Amity sat next to her "hey Luz" the brunette turned to her friend know facing each other "yeah?" Amity sighed "can I touch your ears?" Luz raised an eyebrow then shrugged it off "sure" the mint haired teen raised her hand against Luz's face and rubbed the side of her ear 'her ears are really round and cute' Luz closed her eyes and relaxed a bit "weird?" Luz joked Amity smiled "no they are cute"  Amity POV
Realizing Luz had such soft skin she smells good a bright smile a kind heart I'd make anyone regret messing with her I'd make them regret the day they were born especially knowing how she was treated back from her world by Everyone her own mother I'm not letting anyone hurt her even getting between us she's mine my Luz
( Time skip bc I'm tired )
The two teens sat on the bench after eating snacks watching the sunset Amity looked at Luz's hand wanting to hold it wanting to make a move 'no not yet but either way I'll have her to myself' Amity's scroll case ranged she sighed and was a bit mad that the moment was cut off it was her siblings Amity stood up and answered it "what" the twins were in the camera view in the blight manor "hey mittens where are ya?" Amity rolled her eyes "with a friend" the two looked at each other and a smirk crossed their lips "is it Luz?" Amity blushed and turned her head "it is. Hi Luz!" "Hey Ed hey Em" Luz replied back "enjoy your little date mittens" emira laughed off as Edric hung up
Luz POV I noticed Amity was a bit off but maybe she had a rough day I shouldn't ask about it right now
Hm I'll ask if she wants to hangout again tomorrow just the two of us again or maybe invite willow and Gus
Later on
Amity admiring Luz as she was
walking back to the owl house they talked on the way back laughing and giggling Luz wasn't watching where she was going and bumped into someone "I'm sorry!" The witch turned around he had black hair dark green eyes pale skin wearing a grey hoodie with silver pattern, He was pissed and grabbed Luz by the collar of her shirt and pulled her close "you better watch where your going human!" He aimed to punch her face but he was shoved back onto the floor dropping Luz "stay away from her!"
Amity shouted she went and helped Luz up from the cold ground
The boy smirked at Luz "huh so the blight is your girlfriend?" "Aw how cute" Luz tensed up a bit with her face turning red Amity dragged him back and grabbed Luz's wrist and walked away "don't touch her or you'll regret being born" Luz didn't say a word for awhile but then spoke up "you didn't have to do that but thanks am"
Amity relaxed "yes I did Luz he was gonna hurt you" 'and no one hurts my Luz without getting away with it'
"Yeah but then again I wasn't watching were I was going so" Luz was a bit embarrassed but brushed it off they were on the door step to the owl house "thanks for walking me home am" Luz gave a soft smile Amity pulled her crush into a hug 'she has a nice cent cinnamon mixed with lavender I love her so much' Luz hugged back and sighed she pulls apart from the mint haired witch and walked inside "see you tomorrow we can hang out again tomorrow" Amity smiled "sounds good to me" (TW fighting and blood) The brunette gave a final wave bye and closed the door the witch walked away down back where the boy tried to punch Luz she noticed he was leaning against the tree talking crap about what she knew was Luz and she wasn't having it Amity walked straight up to him punched him up his nose knocked the witch down while his friends watched in shock as he laid on the ground with a bloody broken nose whimpering
"Just making myself clear and putting you back in place I've got my eye on you" the blight left him laying on the floor in pain. As Amity closed the door to her room and laid on her bed with a big smile 'i will be sure that no one touches Luz or get between us' Amity opened her scroll case and clicked a photo of Luz she felt butterflies in her stomach her face grew red remembering her scent as if it was yesterday her shirt still smelt like Luz, Amity hugged herself and sat up "tomorrow is gonna be another great day" She went downstairs and grabbed a muffin took it up to her room and began studying while doodling L+A On some of the pages an hour had passed and she got bored and started drawing a picture of Luz with hearts and more of L+A 'i want you to myself noceda' the teen girl smirked got up grabbed some clothes entered the bathroom took a nice long hot shower. And changed into her pajamas she laid in bed staring at the ceiling her eyes began to feel heavy as she slowly fell asleep and the last thing on her mind was Luz... TBC

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