a dream: chapter twenty five

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King woke up one morning on an empty bed He looked around all confused "since when did we have a bed in this room" "more like a sleeping bag"
eda was in the kitchen cooking breakfast as a picture fell onto the ground "ah dang it" she picked it up "huh?" a photo of luz king and herself smiling widely "who is this girl?..she's.. A human!?" "Looking at her picture, why do I feel so sad.?" "Edaaaaaa" king came rushing down stairs as he clung onto her leg "I saw some pictures of a human! And some clothes that seemed to belong to her!" "You feel like you know her too?" " weh!? You can feel that feeling as well?!" "Also Lilith is here for some reason" eda was confused "my memories are kinda messed up right now just have her sit in the living room"

'It was a lot of work messing with everyone's memories I'm so tired all I wanna do is lay down' 'especially after getting rid of odalia now she can't control my life anymore I'm free of her grasp' amity sighed as she turned to luz who was waking up slowly "fuck.." Luz couldn't lift up her head to look around she noticed a certain witch laying next to her looking calm and peaceful ".. Amity.."
the witch turned to look at her human who she smiled at "morning batata" luz was silent she was afraid but yet she felt relived and clingy "..amity.." "Yes sweetie?" "..can..we.." "Can we what??" "I.. Wanna cuddle.." amity wrapped her arms around luz pulling her close snuggling her also giving her a peck on the lips "when I leave promise to behave or else I'd have to punish you"
luz nods silently, "yes mi batata"
a few seconds of silence amity fell asleep still having her arms wrapped around luz tightly not enough to restrict breathing luz sighed resting her head on amity's shoulder time past luz attempts to try and sit up to get out of bed "amityy" the witch woke up seeing luz struggling to get out of her reach
"Nope luz you are gonna deal with it" "amii whyy" "I think you know why" "oh yeah," luz lays back down as amity grab luz by her chin pulling her into a kiss" making luz blush "amii" amity chuckled giving luz another kiss then another amity smiled at luz "you are so beautiful"
Amity kissed luz again. Luz returned a kiss "when will we get up?" "Maybe in a few minutes" luz looked around the room. After amity let luz go she walks into the kitchen as luz left the room to go take a shower 'yeah this is my life now' 'but it's not that bad, I have a roof over my head I have food and clothes I can shower and my loved ones are safe'

After eating luz and amity sat on the couch together while luz was scrolling on her phone "luz?" "Yeah?" "Can I check those injuries I wanna make sure it's okay" "uh sure," amity checks luz for her injuries to see some were still healing and others left a scar some seemed permission one on across her eyebrow and a slit on her cheek "if only I could get rid of these scars completely" amity was sad and felt guilty luz hugged amity "it's okay batata" "I kinda deal with scars and cuts a lot it's nothing new" amity kissed the scars and placed a bandiad on them "I know bandaids won't do anything" "but yeah,"

As king went through photos and the chest full of clothes to see an otter onsie "i feel as if I had seen this before what could it be its tide to that human in the photo I feel so sad seeing her he hugged the photos king continued to think to himself he found a book 'rulers reach' opening the book to a page he looked at one of the words luzara "luzara... Luzara.." he covered the last three words luz 'oh this is luz the human she's here to help with our situation' king felt memories flooding back to him luzzz you left me!!   Sorry your legs are just so tiny! "Weh!" Aww he stampt his witlle foot

As eda looked down at a sticky note she heard a voice in the back of her head I'm luz! Luz noceda! she picked up the sticky note tapped it and it changed into a ball of light I love you eda,  I love you too kiddo

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