Chapter 18: Just let go

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Layla was helping Liam pack at night to leave he already discuss it with the highnesses but Noah he couldn't face him even if he tried he just couldn't, "is that it...?" Layla asked staring at Liam very little packing as Liam nodded "okay are you sure you want to even do this? I mean like" Liam cut Layla off "hey I'll be fine as long as I'm not here I won't get hurt that he will be marry to a woman and not well me" he said and smiled at Layla even tho it was clearly a force one, Layla sigh and nod "I'll be right back..." Layla said walking out Liam room closing the door the second they did They ran to Noah room, "OPEN UP THE FUCK!" Layla shouted knocking so loud at the princes door, "what are you doing? At this hour" Noah asked half asleep, Layla took a deep breath knowing their doing something Liam wouldn't want them to say "Liam is packing and leaving right now you need to stop him I don't know why you haven't stopped ur marriage sooner but Really I see the way you look at him and the way he looks so you STOP HIM" Layla shouted the last part which Noah eyes widen in disbelief "you're lying Liam would never leave I mean come on we all love him here..." Noah said his words he trying to tremble, "I-.." Layla didn't say anything but walked away to Liam room Noah stared and hesitated but push Layla out the way and Ran to Liam room The moment he got there he didn't even knock he Slam the door open, "LIAM!" He shouted seeing Liam putting on his bag, Liam looked at Noah happily but faded into a frown "Hi ur highness why are you up?" Noah stared at Liam, Liam never called Noah highness or any royal title he just called him Noah "I heard you're leaving" "yeah I am" Liam said in a tone that sounded more neutral trying to fight the negative "WHY?!" Noah shouted Liam didn't answer he just ignore him and walk past Noah to leave, Noah grabbed Liam wrist "Liam you didn't answer" he said, Liam tried pulling away but Noah tightened his grip "Noah let go" Liam spoke in a harsh tone but Noah refuse holding tighter "I can't I...I won't" he said his voice sounding like he was almost about to break down "Noah you're hurting me" Liam stated which led Noah to let go "Sorry sorry I'm sorry" They both stood there in silence not knowing what to say to another, Layla walked to Liam room seeing Noah didn't convince him, Layla sigh "come on Liam it's time to go" Liam nod and started walking then looked back at Noah "I uhm might see you around" he said and then left leaving Noah alone in a room that once belong to someone he had caught his eyes for.

In the morning
"So you're telling me Liam left last night and you couldn't stop him?" Alice said Staring at Noah who already upset about this, Lily sat next to Noah trying to comfort him "let's uhh think of something why would Liam even want to leave?" Alice sigh trying to think of a reason and so did Lily, "okay well I have no ideas but judging by how Liam and Layla are close they have to still be the village so that means we can try to find them when they are out or something and try to figure out why" Alice said, Lily nod but Noah was still upset "is it even worth trying? I mean he doesn't want to be here with me anymore" Noah commented "erm Yes it is?! maybe Liam decided to leave cause of his own issues but maybe HE DIDN'T WANT TO NOAH" "maybe there was one time where I wasn't feeling the greatest and ended up leaving my friends for awhile even tho I didn't want to I still did" Lily commented to make a comparison Noah listened and realize they were onto something "you guys might be right I mean we all treated Liam correctly here and like I love him and he loves us so he wouldn't have a reason to leave forever we have to no we NEED to find him" Noah said feeling determined Lily and Alice nodded in agreement The three got up and left the castle to look for Liam

Late in the day(afternoon)
The trio been searching for a while trying to find Liam admit for a village that isn't that huge and able to spot anyone it's hard to find someone which might be because of how a "special" day coming after all so everyone is all over the place, Lily was looking til everyone walked up to her asking about if she was excited or not, while Alice ended up looking very little since she kept trying to get Lily out of the crowd, As for Noah he ignore everyone just to find the one he misses the most it was starting to get very late which was leading him to give up til he notice a familiar black fluffy/messy hair that lead Noah to chuckle and he started running toward him, "LIAM!" He yelled running as the black hair turn around to face him but Noah stopped in his steps when he was so close his eyes ended up widening in worry

~A Prince and A Servant~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon