Chapter 14: The Royal dinner

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After some time The Queen of King deicide that Lily parents should come over to the kingdom as a Royal dinner to get to know one each other and see how perfect Noah would be to marry Lily, tho Noah still doesn't know that Liam already knows about the arrange Marriage for Noah and Lily, so Noah doing the best he can to make sure Liam stays away from the Royal dinner,

It was a beautiful day out as usual since it is the kingdom of the moon and sun it's always beautiful, Noah just started walking around the kingdom trying to find Liam again, "Oh Noah dear" The queen staid Noah stop what he was doing and look at his mother, "Yes mom?" Noah asked "Make sure to stay clean and ready we're having the queen and king  of the kingdom of dreams coming over for a Royal dinner" Noah look at his mother after she finish talking and just nod then walked away, 'Lily parents are coming over...' Noah kept thinking then stop as he realize when it comes to a Royal dinner every servant, maid, and chiefs will have to be a duty and be there meaning Liam will be witnessing all this and he Doesn't know about the Marriage yet, this was starting to freak Noah out so he did what any prince would do....He ran to Phoebe, Noah slam the door open "PHOEBE!!" Noah yelled as Phoebe jump a bit, "ah yes your highness?" Phoebe responded concern of what wrong, "THE ROYAL DINNER IS TODAY AND I NEED U TO KEEP LIAM AWAY FROM IT DON'T ASK WHY" Noah shouted again as Phoebe stared at him then nod still confuse why but she'll do it anyways, Noah thank her and left.

After a few hours, Lily parents have finally came they looked more serious then Noah's parents but He didn't care all he was worried about was keeping Liam away, both of the families sat at the table Having Lily and Noah sat next to each other, Noah parents kept having a conversation with Lily's and were eating, Noah ate some there and there but kept staring at the way into the dinner room, he kept getting scared as he notice Liam starting to walk in but then felt relief when Phoebe took him away you could hear a small "hey!" From Liam he was so cute in Noah opinion, sometimes when he saw Liam getting sorta annoyed with Phoebe dragging him away he chuckle a bit but stop immediately when he saw his mom look at him confuse, tonight was going to go alright until a question got asked, "so you think Noah is a good suite for our daughter...?" The king asked, "ah yes we do you see Lily stay here been wonderful no arguments yet" Noah mom answer, "I see well maybe they would be a good match with each other" The king said it looked like Lily mom was gonna say something but stopped, "wait but I don't know Lily that will yet and I don't really know if I want to marry her!" Noah spoke out of no where, Noah and Lily parents both looked at him, "Silent if we say you guys are a perfect match then u are" "but-" before Noah continue his Dad cut him off "Noah stop we already agreed" Noah looked at his dad then stood up from his seat and ran off, Noah mom stare at her child running off and started to sorta feel bad for the choice her and the king had made,

Noah was walking to his room angrily til he saw Liam, Liam was trying to get away from Phoebe as she been with him all night and he was just getting tired of it Liam stop as he notice Noah before he got to say anything Noah hugged Liam which made him jump a little but Liam hugged back, "what's wrong?" Liam asked, Noah didn't response he just kept hugging him, Liam didn't mind at all and just kept there hugging Noah back, after a minute or two Noah finally stopped hugging him yet again before Liam got to say anything Noah gave him a kiss on the cheek and left to his room leaving Liam there blushing like crazy wondering why He just do that to him, 'maybe it was a platonic one yeah yeah...' Liam kept thinking to himself as he went to his room.

That night The servant and prince were blushing non-stop.

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