Chapter 3: What are you two doing-

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Liam was walking around the Castle since him and the prince didn't have much to do today expect just be kids and have fun tho and on the day The queen and king won't be home till later tonight and Noah decided to Invite Alice over so that they could mess around while Liam just do whatever he like,

While Liam was going to go to his room when he smelt something burning And started walking toward the smell and what a surprise He sees Alice and Noah burning pancakes "YOU IDIOT YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSE TO PUT A CAKE ON A PAN!" "THAN WHY THE HELL IS IT CALL PANCAKES?!" Liam was watching Alice and Noah panic trying to put out the fire watching these dorks struggle was every funny, Liam grabbed the pan and threw it out in the lake that was next to the kitchen window for some odd reason, "LIAM OUR SAVIOR!" Alice dramatic yelled hugging Liam, But before she was able to hug him he push her "not a hugger got it" Liam stared than look to Noah who was trying to act Innocently "I know you caused the fire" "HUH HOW?!" "yelling also cause Alice knows what a pancake is and how to bake it I think" Liam said to Noah who looks guilty Alice trying to clean up the mess her and Noah made "Yeaaaah no clean this up Noah and Alice Bye" "LIAM NOOO" Noah shouted as Liam left to go to his room, As Liam enter his room sighing and went to lay down zoning out He ended up falling asleep  in the end,

The prince and the Baker saw the Servant sleeping and decided to draw Stars on his face since they didn't want Liam to actually come kill them if they were to draw all over his face with random things.

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