Chapter 8: Her arrival

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After a few days of Noah finding out he was getting married to a princess, he was soon going to meet her and that day was today which is nervous and annoying since Noah doesn't want to get marry yet especially to someone he doesn't even know while Noah freaking out, Liam is trying to hold his emotions in and be a support friend even tho he wants to be more than just friend and thought that they probably won't meet soon but No it had to be today could have at least gotten married when Liam didn't start working would've been better.... right?

Today was the day of the princess arrival, the queen king and prince plus Liam were outside waiting in front of the castle in this wonderful beautiful day nothing can go wrong right? Will it can Noah trying to hide being nervous about meeting this "princess" and while Liam trying to focus on things to stop with this stubborn feeling his getting "Liam" Noah said Liam looked at Noah confuse "Yes?" "Uhh how do you think she's going to look like or act?" Noah said trying to get some sort of topic in a conversation "I'm not one with saying people looks but act? Probably a nice lady someone who would do anything for a person they love who knows" Liam said staring at Noah "your right" Noah said smiling happy to just hear Liam talk about something positive before Liam got to say a word, a carriage had shown up "Must be the princess" Liam thought the carriage was in wonderful colors like they usually were suppose to be especially if they belong to royalty, after a second someone stood next to the carriage door and put their hand on the handle "Ahem" the person said As they caught the queen, king, and Noah attention "introducing Princess Lily from kingdom of  Dreams" after he had said that, he than open the door as a young lady step out as well as another one seems like her own personal bodyguard doesn't matter tho, "Greetings Lily" The queen had said walking done to shake the princess hand "Greetings" the princess had said, Noah was staring at her, "This is my son prince Noah" the queen said as Noah walked down to greet the princess, "why am I having this feeling?" Liam thought the second he watched the prince talked to her this nasty feeling came upon him, what could it... couldn't be jealousy right?..

Noah and princess Lily were in the garden sitting at a table that was there for whoever wanted to sit and eat lunch, they were eating cake and drinking tea no talk yet tho just plain up silent as if their both trying to avoid talking to one another...... "Okay I can't, I don't want to marry you" Noah said ".. OH THANK GOD" Lily had shouted, Noah looked confuse on why she said that "what?" Lily said "nothing I'm just wondering why you said oh thank god" "Cause I didn't want to marry you either" Lily responded taking another bite of cake "okay well.. That's great to be honest" "yeah but We're going to be force to get married anyways" Noah knew what she meant by that they will have too since their parents already made a decision "unless We have a plan!" Noah said in excitement "oh yeah? And what would that plan be" "I don't know yet but we can figure it out before the whole wedding day happen it'll be awhile till it does happen anyways" Noah said holding out his hand in order to make a deal "if you say so" Lily had say while reaching her hand out and shake it

Liam was watching Noah and Lily from the opening to the garden, "Damnit" Liam said to himself "She's pretty, Wonderful personality and kind plus a female!" Liam thought out of jealousy, Liam energy was starting to spread out a little bit till Someone grab his shoulder "You okay?" Liam turned to the person "oh um yeah I am" It was the personal bodyguard that the princess had with her "You didn't seem like it I felt all that nasty energy from a mile away" the person laughed "Oh sorry" Liam apologize "nah it's nothing don't worry we spying on the royals?" "I wouldn't say spying" "pal your spying" Liam stared at them.... than started laughing a little "I'm Liam you?" "Ava the princess Guard you know for protection" Ava and Liam started chatting a little talking about things they experience with the two royals well Liam was talking about Noah more detailing " Sounds like you have a crush on the little blue" "what- No that mistaking I'm a male and his a male" Liam responded to Ava "yeah well it's not wrong love and life is both mysterious and it lead you to falling for a prince" Ava said to Liam, Liam stared at Noah couldn't be a crush.. right?

Later on at night,
"Oh Liam" One of the maid said "yes?" Liam said "you've receive a letter from someone" The maid gave Liam the letter and left, Liam was reading the note after he opened it... "pfft your coming for a visit can't wait" Liam said to himself before going to bed.

That night the servant had a good sleep.

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