Episode 10 | ...The Strongest... |

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***The chapter resumes as soon as Alpha Rocus emerges from the cave; it appears to be a significant threat with that strong roar

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

***The chapter resumes as soon as Alpha Rocus emerges from the cave; it appears to be a significant threat with that strong roar. Leia knows there's no turning back; it's now or never. With sheer willpower, she manages to barely stand up.***

If I don't stop it now, the entire region will be engulfed in this mess... It's still blind... All I have to do is avoid it at all cost, any hit will make things even more fatal.

***The overwhelming Alpha Rocus seems completely out of control, having consumed all the Herba Mystica at once. It starts its frenzy, wildly throwing intense punches... using a single arm? Leia occasionally jumps, trying to avoid the minimal damage since the attacks weren't focused on her."***

There must be a way I can at least slow it down with the strength I have left...

*** As Rocus strikes wildly, Leia is forced to step back. Her hind paw senses the cliff behind her, taking a moment to concentrate once more, clenching a fist with whatever strength she had left.***

There's no other choice... It's either him or me at this point...

***She regains some momentum, moving forward with high confidence and a completely altered perception of reality. The enraged Rocus attacks aimlessly while Leia swings around him with her threads, As she does so, she throws the remaining Floral Bombs she had, but they seem to have little to no effect, due to her being weakened or those shattered by those attacks***

Damn it... What a dilemma... That's it...

***Leia jumps above Rocus, running along the hill's wall in circles around him, slowly binding his legs to make him fall off the cliff, While hanging onto something invisible, she aims a kick at Rocus; she was about to do it, but it seems she had forgotten about something or... someone... important..."

"!!!- Isn't it supposed that after Rocus would go Z-?!"

***Right before she makes her final blow and says this aloud, the threads that were balancing Leia are once again cut... as well as Rocus's legs. In that instant, with Leia's eyes filled with surprise, in a blink, the free fist of the immense Rocus would strike Leia's torso, knocking the air and some blood out of her mouth. She falls with her head at the edge of that cliff, too injured to barely turn towards Rocus.***


***As she turns, it's noticeable that in the hand Rocus didn't use, the trapped bird Zeik is there, his head peeking out, unable to free himself, even after releasing his electric shocks. A very sinister laughter is heard...***

-Rocus: "Haha... hahaha... hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!"

***With a deep laugh and voice, Alpha Rocus slowly removes its eye bandage, revealing he's no longer blind. Why? He seems to maintain some sanity even with all that power.***

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