Episode 6 | Nowhere to run |

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***"We start today's chapter with a brief cartoon-style summary..."***

**Team Leia: Sweet Herba Mystica (southeast) and Sour Herba Mystica (West Asado Desert)**

**Rocus: Salty Herba Mystica (East) and Spicy Herba Mystica (Northwest Casseroya Lake)**

***1 left to reclaim, but not everything is known....***

***"We find our protagonist and Zeik at the lighthouse near the hill in that Western Area

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***"We find our protagonist and Zeik at the lighthouse near the hill in that Western Area..."***


-Zeik: Watt! There have been no signs of Rocus since what happened at Casseroya Lake for quite some time! I don't think a rock-type like him could have survived the collapse of the island surrounded by so much water!

Patience, Zeik... From his tone of desperation, I doubt he'd die so easily... But now we have the advantage finally...

-Zeik: Watt! That plan you devised for Asado Desert is impressive! I doubt even Rocus can out plan you!

Yes... We must capitalize on the advantage we've gained...

***There are noises outside the lighthouse***

We must start our plan... Let's go.

***They go outside, and it's the Wattrel in formation, ready.***

*"Watt! We found him! Now that he has fewer options, he's heading straight there... to Asado Desert!"*

Just as we planned... Ready partner?

-Zeik: Watt! Let's catch that lunatic!

***Zeik puts on some Safety Goggles, and thescene shifts to Zeik flying in front of the camera, blocking it. Theperspective changes to slightly above the desert. It seems like Rocus iswandering through the desert, and the camera focuses on him...***


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