Chapter Twenty-seven

Start from the beginning

She responded by drawing out her own tongue; surprising him by touching his before she moved it away again.

Instead, she focused her attention on his bottom lip, trapping it between her teeth gently and sucking softly on the skin.

She could feel his uncertainty, but she loved that he was trying to learn; attempting to map out the situation as any good leader would.

Optimus felt like his head was spinning wildly; he was drowning in the sensations she was administering, and she knew it.

Her actions made him wonder; how many times in her life had she done this, and whom with?

The thought of any other man sitting where he sat right now, hands slung around her waist where his were; any other man touching his Carolina...the very suggestion made the Energon boil in his circuits.

He felt his Spark give off a violent, angry pulse at the thought of anyone even thinking of her like that; and it demanded dominance.

It wanted the little female to know that its energy was hers when she was ready to take it; that it already belonged to her.

Optimus' hand that rested on her face dropped to her neck, tracing circles there as he separated their lips; lowering his mouth to the junction between her throat and her collarbone before firmly planting them there.

He ran his tongue along the skin there, noticing the faint taste of sweat from her physical work; tinged with the bitterness of the metal that she worked with.

It was the most fitting taste for her he could possibly have thought of; and he savoured it.

He felt the ball of Energon within his chest ignite like a fire when her fingers lithely clenched at his hair, her breaths trying to intake as much air as she could.

He held her tightly in his grasp; one hand clasped at the back of her neck, the other still resting around her hips.

Draping both of her legs across his right one, she now sat on his lap as his mouth traced her skin; taking as much information from his internet search as he could.

There was one trick in particular that his Spark seemed to agree to trying. Grazing his teeth over her skin, he then moved to the side of her neck before gently closing his jaw; nipping the side of her throat tenderly.

Carolina gave a sharp gasp, digging her nails into the Holoform's scalp as she did so.

Optimus pulled back, a horrified and worried expression burned onto his face as he held her. "C-Carolina! Did I hurt you?" he asked quickly, glancing at the spot on her neck that he had just abused, his eyes were riddled with concern, "Am...I doing it wrong? I-I'm sorry-"

The little mechanic gave a laugh as she resettled herself, her cheeks were blazingly red, but she ignored it as she exhaled heavily; breathlessly.

"Holy shit..." she whispered. Then she turned to him with a gleaming smile, "Do that again."

Optimus felt his features relax in relief when he realized that she had not reacted out of pain or discomfort; she'd found the administration pleasant.

He couldn't help but smile in response, complying by lowering his mouth back to her skin and nipping at the flesh one more time before she wriggled out of his grasp to lie beside him on the hood of the Peterbilt.

"Let me show you something, Chief." She whispered, tracing a hand from his hair to his face.

Leaning over towards him, she pressed a hand to his chest; forcing him to lean back against the windshield as she did so.

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