Chapter Twenty-three

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"Wait, so...why am I doing this exactly?"

A grin resounded from the radiant blonde standing in front of her, a cheeky look in her eyes, "Because, Carolina; it was Will's idea for us to go out and celebrate tonight. We never got the chance to go out after they got back from Egypt, remember?"

The brunette scratched her head and looked up at Sarah with a sceptical look; he brow arched suspiciously. "Yeah, I know that already; I get that. But why do I have to wear a dress?"

Lennox and his wife had come over early, so that Sarah could help the grease monkey put together an outfit. Apparently it had been Sarah's idea.

Carolina didn't mind so much really; she had met Sarah briefly a few times since her time at N.E.S.T and she enjoyed the woman's company.

But what she wasn't enjoying, was the beautiful mother of one helping her pick through everything she owned, looking for something 'dressy' enough.

Needless to say, the mechanic didn't really have a lot of 'going out' clothes; she spent most of her free time either indoors watching DVDs, or out in the garage fixing cars.

She could tell that Sarah was getting frustrated by her lack of wardrobe. "You have to wear a dress because I want to actually see you flaunt that pretty little figure that I just know you have hiding under there!"

Sarah poked playfully at Carolina's tummy, making the ticklish grease monkey squeal from instinct; something she used to do in play-fights with her brothers, "Now show me what dresses you have."

Carol screwed up her face for a moment thoughtfully, mentally scrolling through what she had in her wardrobe.

"You know...I'm not actually sure that I own one..." She placed a finger on her chin and began to mumble to herself under her breath.

"Unless...maybe I've still got that one, that's too short for me now...It's not-" "-Short dress?" Sarah cut in excitedly, "Where do you keep it?"

Carolina didn't like the look on the blonde's face; she resembled a child who was trying to play dress-up with her favourite doll, and she quickly waved one arm about in front of her, the other hand clutching the towel that she was currently wearing over her bra and underwear.

"No, no, no! I bought it years ago; it was only a once of thing! It probably doesn't even fit anymore."

Mrs Lennox crossed her arms defiantly over her chest; with the look of a scolding mother written on her face.

"Dress. Now." She ordered, pointing at Carolina's chest of drawers.

With a heavy, defeated sigh, she made her way over, not to the drawers, but her bed. She reached underneath and pulled out a flat, shallow crate with an assortment of neatly folded clothes, photo albums, and scrapbooks.

Reaching right to the back, she pulled out a piece of black fabric and gently pushed the box back under the bedframe.

Shaking the fabric out, she revealed what looked to be a black dress. Sarah's grin was massive. "Perfect."

Carolina really didn't like the cunning look on the other woman's face; she was actually nervous about seeing what she was planning to do with her.

She had been completely honest in saying that she hadn't worn the dress in a long time; it had been bought for a special occasion years ago and was only worn once.

She had been a little heavier at the time, so hopefully she was able to squeeze into it; she knew that Sarah would probably try and force her into it anyway.

With a sigh she held up the garment and eyed it with obvious scorn before motioning for the blonde to turn around and look away.

She did so with a big smile, waiting for Carolina to put on the dress.

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