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"You're sure you actually want to do this?" I asked Theo as we got onto the train back to platform 9¾.

"Please stop asking me. I've told you 500 times I want to do this." He looked over at me as we sat across from each other on the train.

I wasn't dressed in the usual dark colors he saw me in. I was in a light blue wrap skirt with a white top. Of course I had gotten tanner since the winter. I actually looked alive now.

"Looking good, Capulet." Hermoine passed us at the station, smiling at Theo and I as she boarded the train.

Theo and I both smiled as we piled our things into the compartment, sitting by each other. Theo was immediately knocked out beside me and I took out the book I was never able to finish. Lolita.


"There she is!" Lizzie screamed at the German train station, running up to me and engulfing me in a painful hug.

I hugged her back, smiling. No matter what anybody said, or the friends I had back at Hogwarts, she would always be number one.

"And you must be Theo," James came up to us and shook his hand firmly.

"And you James." Theo smiled at the German boy.

We had all decided to kick Joey out of the group after the stunt he pulled in London. Lizzie wrote to me that he specifically did that just so he could run into me and hopefully sleep with me.

We all walked up to the house Lizzie had bought with her Grandparents inheritance. Her grandparents were one of the richest muggle families in Germany, and Lizzie got everything. Her brother was supposed to get things, but sadly he was cut out of the will when he came out as gay. Lizzie felt bad and gave him 20%.

"Alrighty," Lizzie opened the doors, revealing the absolute mansion the house was. "Noah and Theo, you have the ground bedroom, James has the second floor bedroom." She announced.

Theo and I sat our things down in the room, exploring it. It was about half the size of the common room, and it was big.

"It's cozy." Theo walked around the room, his hands in his slacks pockets. We had a big window on the south side of the room, it was pretty cozy.

"Yeah, that's Lizzie." I smiled at him. I was just happy to be home.

The door opened, James popping his head in. "Hey, Lizzie wants to go to dinner in an hour. So don't do any..." he paused. "You know what I mean."

Theo laughed. "Of course not." He said, looking straight into Jame's eyes.

James nodded and left. As soon as the door closed, Theo giggled and kissed me, knowing what he wanted to do. His hand snakes around my thighs, instantly making me give into his need.


Theo and I walked on the outer side of the four of us, his hand holding onto mine as we walked. I was wearing a beige sundress that contrasted with the tan of my skin. I had been out in the sun for three days and I already looked like an Italian.

Theo on the other hand didn't change his clothes. He kept the tan slacks and white t-shirt combination. We matched almost perfectly, except for the jewelry. He kept to gold and I kept to silver.

"Oh my god, this country actually has good food." I said as I took the first bite of my dinner, happy that it wasn't British.

"Oh come on, surely it was that bad." James tried to be optimistic.

Theo and I both stared directly at him, giving him the same look. "Jesus Christ, it really was that bad."

After appetizers, salads, èntres and dessert, we were full. I had never seen Theo actually eat that much. It was as if he were starved for three weeks.

"After... James is done..." Lizzie looked down at James judgingly. He had eaten three times the amount Theo had. "Do you want to go down to the beach? It's usually not busy at this time of night."

"Nothing to wear." I told her, Lizzie rolled her eyes.

"Seriously nobody is going to be there, and only you would care if you were topless. I know James and I wouldn't be looking at you like that." She explained.

I shrugged my shoulders. "There's a place down the street that sells that kind of stuff." I finished chewing. "I know Theo doesn't have anything, it'd be better just to buy it now."

"Alright then!" Lizzie smiled, putting her card on the table for the waiter to take. "We will stop on the way there."

Once dinner was finished, we walked into the swimwear shop and picked out attire to go to the beach in. I picked out about four outfits. It would last me a long time.

I paid for it and went into the dressing room to change. I put the suit underneath the dress and Theo did the same thing with his slacks. We both stuck to the color we looked best in: black.

"Is the water cold?" Theo mumbled in my ear as we began to walk in the sand.

I laughed. "It's not cold." I turned around to face him, undoing my dress as we got closer.

My dress was thrown off my body and so were my sandals. Theo made quick work of his shirt and pants and followed me out to the water.

The sun was beginning to set, the red and pink and purples colors filled the sky as we all went out in the water. Theo flinched at the coldness of it.

"You said it wasn't cold." He walked up to my, putting his hands on my waist as he stood in front of me.

"Thought I'd surprise you." My hands went to the side of his neck, pulling it down for a kiss.

He smiled into the kiss, deepening it and pulling me closer to him. His hands went to my waist and mine went to his hair.

"Get a room!" James yelled from a little ways away, making us both laugh.

"Fuck you!" I yelled at him jokingly.

James flipped me off and I turned back to Theo, putting my hands on his chest.

Though the pain was still there from the death of my parents and the betrayal of my father, I still stood here loving somebody. Even though I didn't have the best past, I could still make the future better than everybody's.


No Middle Ground // Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now