30. go drink your tea, koa

Start from the beginning

       Wordlessly, the two run towards the gate, pulling it open enough for him to slip in. He pulls in but Sadie's eyes widen at only Rick in the car, no Carol.

They pull the gate shut right as Rick leaves the car, immediately rushing over to engulf Sadie in a much needed hug. She hugs the sweaty man back. He holds her head against his chest, "Carl, Judith, Koa—are they okay? You okay?" He asks, still holding Sadie. The blonde looks up at him, nodding a quick yes before stepping back from his comforting hold.

          "They're alright. Where's Carol?" Maggie answers, approaching them. Rick's body freezes, face slightly falling at the mention of the Peletier woman. "Glenn, Hershel, Sasha?" Rick avoids the question. "Yeah, it's bad but they're fighting it. Daryl's not back yet," Maggie replies. Sadie's heart drops.

Is Carol dead? Why is he being so casual about it?

       Rick spins around to walk away. "Rick—Rick, where's Carol?" Maggie frantically asks. He stops and Sadie's fists clench, preparing her heart for more grief. Rick looks between the two, trying to choose the truth or to lie while Sadie is there. He sighs, walking closer and Sadie instinctively steps back as if to separate herself from the impending death.

            "It was her. She killed Karen and David," Rick reveals. The ringing gets louder in Sadie's ears, her arms feel weak. The charred bodies of Karen and David that are seared into her brain were caused at the hands of Carol. The pummeling Tyreese and Rick inflicted on each other was because of Carol.

          A deep silence embodies the two women, stunned, no words able to express their betrayal.

          "She was trying to stop it from spreading," Rick explains, "Tyreese is gonna be back here soon, so I didn't think she should be here. And I couldn't have her here. She has a car, supplies, she'll figure it out. I'll tell Hershel. Don't tell anyone else yet."

       Sadie holds her spinning head, hands shaking, "I—um, okay. Um.....," She waves her hands in the air. Maggie takes a deep breath beside her, "Okay," She says. Rick takes a few steps back, "Would you have brought her back?"

            Sadie clenches her jaw so hard she can hear her blood flow. Would she? If Koa had gotten sick first—would Carol have burned her to death?

            "She said she did it?" Maggie anxiously questions. "Yeah," Rick answers. A beat of silence fills the air. Maggie takes another deep breath, "Then you were right to send her away. I don't know if I could've."

              "You could have, Maggie. You've done harder things. Don't doubt yourself," Rick's gaze lands on Sadie, "We don't get to do that anymore." Sadie just stares as Rick walks towards the car, wanting to just pace the area but she feels nothing but frozen. "Rick, the cluster's getting bigger than the one that too the fence down!" Maggie announces, "We need to do something—"

              "We will," Rick confirms, slamming the car door.

              Sadie closes her eyes, begging for some peace.


EYES GLUED TO THE ceiling, sweat dripping down her skin. Koa is tired. Tired of this, tired of being sick—tired of being scared to sleep.

           Lack of sleep causes hallucinations. So does the pig flu.

            Dark shadows follow Koa's fading vision. She wants to sleep, she wants some solace but not even sleep gives her peace now. There's a distant voice that belongs to Hershel giving other people tea. She figures she'll get hers soon, using it as an excuse to stay up longer.

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