9. one less grave

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SADIE HAS BEEN PACING around for hours, the rebellious idea to open that damned door hasn't left her mind. The Governor and his men have been busy all day. So busy that Martinez hasn't dropped off one of his pasties of the week.

             Sadie hasn't been alone this long in awhile and she fears if she doesn't take the chance now she'll forever be ignorant to what he possibly has behind the door. Or maybe that's how she'd like it. Ignorance is bliss. If she pretends nothing is wrong, Sadie can easily survive in Woodbury just like she has been.

                 Skin from her lip separates between her teeth, pulling it off repeatedly. The taste of metal touches her tongue. Blood.

                What if she ends up with blood on her hands because Michonne's paranoia was right? What if The Governor has this big plan to just kill everyone?

                 One hand clasps around the door handle, the other around the chains on her neck. She twists it, the lock clicking open. Sadie winces at the low creak it makes as it opens. She opens her eyes and the first thing she notices is the dim light and the sound of water. A sneaker steps on the floor, pushing the rest of the door open.

                     In the dimly lit room, she sees a lounge chair sitting in the middle of the room. The sound of water is louder now, leaving Sadie even more confused.

                     She scans the wall with her right hand for a light switch and eventually finds it, flickering it on. The room lights up. Sadie can now see a generator right next to her. She takes a deep breath, fully stepping into the room. She faces the source of the light but a gasp rips from her throat, hands flying to cover her mouth.

                  Three rows of tanks filled with walker heads sit in front of the chair like some sort of entertainment for The Governor.

                    Sadie's back hits the wall, eyes darting over each head floating. Some of them are people she recognizes. The same people that Phillip said had left or died. Including one of the soldiers The Governor said didn't make it.

                     All she can hear is her heartbeat. Everything else is blocked out. Both hands hold her necklaces, throat becoming dry as she breathes rapidly.

                      All the sudden, hands seize her by the shoulders. Sadie basically jumps out of her skin, screaming.

                  "Sadie—" It's Merle. Merle has caught her.

               "You ain't supposed to be in here, darlin'," He eerily whispers, pulling her back into Phillip's bedroom, slamming the door shut to the horrifying room. Sadie pulls away from his touch, backing away from him and his creepy smile. "Merle—you know about that? What the fuck?" Sadie screams with fear. She's five again, preparing for the worst as her mom or dad finds her arm first in the cookie jar.

THICK SKULL , twd [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now