28. An earful from Tegnuk

Start from the beginning

Ri cooked dinner and they then went to sleep happy about the news.


They woke up the next morning and found that they were right about that it would probably just join them later on to sleep.

They both were finishing up on waking up, stretching out, as they realized that there was an open window in the kitchen, which they forgot to close after opening it to let the smoke from burning gas out.

It was a bit annoying that now they had to shovel out the big clump of snow that was probably now on the floor.

They wanted to Toru sleep some more while they went on to start cleaning up around the house while they waited for the snow plows to finish up cleaning up the streets.

They were pleasantly surprised to see once again that Toru seemed to be a very heavy sleeper, so it was easy getting out of the room.

Meanwhile they set up a new jumpsuit for Toru and left it alone to change while they went over to clean their own clothes.

The new jumpsuit was similar to the one Toru had before, but this one had an interior mostly with fur and an insulated exterior, along with a cap to help even more to protect it from the cold.

While removing the thankfully little amount of fur and dirt that had clung to the inside of their clothes, one of the few benefits of the week long heavy winter, meanwhile, he heard Toru walking around the place.

Eventually, the snow plows finally went by their street, though they did scare Toru pretty bad, which they payed back by giving it some treats they found in Tonuk's pockets from before along with its breakfast.

It seemed to accept them now, though they were still very confused as to what had happened before when they tried training it.

Finally, the snow plows were gone and the streets were usable, so they went over to get Toru once again and walked over to the shelter.

As soon as they walked through the floor they saw that Tegnuk was waiting for them with a fairly angry tail, puffed up and curling upwards, along with a slightly scrunched snout, but this went away as he sighed and started talking.

Tegnuk- "So, we have to chat about a couple things, do you have some time?"

They both agreed as they let Toru go, watching as it walked around for a moment until Tegnuk started talking again.

Tegnuk- "So, I was checking out the footage and, first of all, what's this about Toru maybe being a pet to some other sentient species?
But, alright, first, let's talk about how you're treating Toru"

Tegnuk stopped for a moment, to sigh while both Tonuk and Ri waited for him to continue, confused.

Tegnuk- "So, I've noticed a couple concerning things, to start off, I saw that you treat Toru exactly a Turo, instead of first finding out stuff about it, I mean, you even named it Toru, like, do you guys even have a name for its species?"

Ri mumbled something that Tonuk couldn't understand, while he listened.

Tegnuk- "Like, to start off, you know how strong this thing is, I was a little bit, very shocked when I saw that it liked to lift weights for fun, and you take it home cuddle with you?
Like, how long have you guys actually had this thing for to be comfortable to cuddle with it, it could have been dangerous.

Also, and really only you Tonuk, you especially treat Toru like a Turo, like, you pick it up even though it has showed to really not like it.
You even pet it first and repeated it despite that it showed to be uncomfortable, you even stopped pinning back your ears like we're supposed to when we're with Turos, you've got to be a bit more careful"

Tegnuk sighed and put his claws over his snout for a moment.

Tegnuk- "Alright, ok, I think I just got a bit mad from having to wait to tell you this, but still, my point right now is just that you're both acting like Toru is a Turo and it could be dangerous, to start off, mostly with letting it cuddle with both of you so quickly, but also from letting it be with Turos or me without knowing anything about it or giving a heads up on it"

Both Tonuk and Ri thought about this for a moment while apologizing, which had Tegnuk become a lot calmer.

Tegnuk- "Well, alright, thankfully nothing did end up happening and it seems to be mostly peaceful, but still, just, alright whatever, just be more responsible.

So, second, I found out some more emotions, and, bad news is that it was actually afraid and sad most of the time.


I made a guide and already sent it to you both about everything I could find out, but, yeah, it doesn't like to be with Turos, me and also, its been getting sadder as time passes

For now, while waiting around I put back the things that made it happy before back in its room, and I want you two to start teaching it more words, since it seems to be happy with that"

Tonuk and Ri felt pretty terrible about finding out about this and agreed to improve.

Tegnuk- "Alright, so, just, again one more thing...

What's this about Toru maybe being a pet to some 3rd sentient species?"

Fun fact:
They main reason that the Tonovo and Dije wear clothes is not to keep warmth, as they both evolved to be very good at surviving the cold, its mostly just to keep shed fur from spilling out and getting everywhere, along with helping to stop snow from getting inside the fur, melting and letting cold water suddenly touch their warm skin.

Just mentioning this to clear this up, they don't think that Sean is itself too smart, yet, because of how tiny it is, which is why, along with some other reason,they assume it to be a pet/domesticated species.

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