The Crimson Diamond By Christopher M Musick

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Narration: The Gotham streets shine like diamonds tonight. The city is buzzing with excitement. All the Well-Offs and Hoity-Toitys pile into the theater. It's a good night for a show. And boy are they gonna get a show.

The Monarch Theater is lit up for a big premiere event. Cameras are flashing and all the rich people of Gotham are arriving and being escorted to their seats. They sit down and get ready for the show to start. The lights lower and a man appears on the stage and addresses the crowd.

Host: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this Gotham City world premiere of the new stage play by acclaimed playwright....

All the lights in the theater suddenly go out leaving the audience in complete darkness. They murmur to each other and look around frantically. Finally a man's voice comes over the speakers.

Voice: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm afraid that whatever silly play you were just about to sit through has been cancelled on a count of most of the members of the cast and crew being tied up and some of the more difficult members being deceased. So instead tonight we are going to bring you something a little more interesting.

Fog seeps onto the stage and the low lights go up revealing The Joker with a huge smile on his face. The audience gasps in horror frozen to their seats. The Joker starts to address the crowd as a small female figure watches from a side curtain.

Narration: There he is, doing what he does best. These people don't know how lucky they are to get an exclusive performance like this. It's one they'll never forget, the ones who get out alive that is. But the truth is I'm the luckiest one here, because I get to be by his side.

The Joker continues to terrify the crowd with a gun in his hand. His two thugs come out from backstage holding big barrels and start walking toward the front doors of the theater.

Narration: My Hero. My Prince.

Joker: And now, ladies and gentlemen let me present the beautiful Harley Quinn!

Harley comes out from the side curtain and does a cartwheel on the stage and presents herself to the crowd. Joker takes her in his arms, dips her and gives her a kiss.

Narration: And me, his Princess.

Joker: Harley my dear, why don't you tell these folks what we got in store for them tonight.

Harley: Well, tonight we have a very special premiere presentation of the new show "Liar Liar Pants on Fire." This Hot new show will be Burning through Gotham, sure to be a Blazing success. The buzz will be hard to Contain, you'll carry it with you like a Flame!

The Joker pushes Harley out of the way before she gets too excited.

Joker: Okay, I think we all get it. Now folks if you notice my adorable thugs are currently covering the floors and walls of the theater with flammable liquid.

People look around and start to panic and shift around uncomfortably in their seats.

Joker: Harley if you would.

Harley: Yes, Puddin'.

Harley gets out her cork gun which has a big burning firecracker stuck in the middle of the cork. She shoots the gun at a barrel on the side of the stage, blowing up the barrel and setting fire to the curtain. The crowd screams and tries to get out of their seats but none of them can.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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