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BOOK: catwoman

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BOOK: catwoman

MOVIE / SHOW: dceu

PAIRING: oc x reader


dave franco

dave franco

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Y/n L/n didn't have the greatest life growing up. Her parents never cared about her and were hardly ever there half the time and she had been forced to have several jobs so she could take care of herself and eat and still have a home. When she was in her teen years, she worked at a pet store and grew to love the cats.

When she got older, she had to get jobs that she didn't want from how much she got fired from her previous jobs, moving out and getting her own place. One of her jobs was how she met her then boyfriend, Bruce Wayne. And now, after working as a worker to give pleasure to men, she decided to leave and go a different route.

That was how she became one of the well known criminals in Gotham City, wearing a leather, skin tight suit with a cat mask over her eyes to hide her identity. At first, her only enemies had been the police... until Batman began chasing after her, but she had been able to escape every time.

Unfortunately, her luck ran out eventually.

When she had been caught by Batman, her identity was revealed to him and he was in shock. There was a time where Bruce Wayne had been absolutely in love with his girlfriend, until he learned that she was a criminal and his enemy. After running around and the two became enemies, Y/n soon found herself behind bars.

Sam Bradley was a well known detective in Gotham City. When he was assigned to stop the Enchantress and lead criminals from Gotham City with Colonel Rick Flag to help with the mission, he protested it at first till he realized how serious his boss was about it. They wanted the best, and he was the best.

And when he saw the infamous Catwoman as one of the criminals, he remembered all the times he'd catch her, only to escape from his grasp until Batman finally got her... and he was the one who put her behind the bars.

He never expected he'd fall for her.

And she never expected to fall for another good guy.

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