#23 - Neuvilette || Love Letters

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•Adeptus reader
•gender neutral reader

"With you, my rainy days are gone."

Neuvilette had met the h/c coloured girl in Fontaine when he was having a break

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Neuvilette had met the h/c coloured girl in Fontaine when he was having a break. It was a stupidly cliché meeting.

"Oh-sorry!" A girl bumped into him, the tall man stayed unfazed but she stumbled back. The judge looked down to give her a glare but he was pleasantly surprised that when their eyes locked, he felt a connection. He thought it was one sided. They parted ways but kept meeting unexpectedly, like it was fate.


I had finally asked to meet at a café with me the next time I bumped into her. It was strange as I was confused with my feelings around her. We...were seeing each other for a while. I had told her about myself, my profession and that I was immortal. She never failed to surprise me by responding that she too was immortal - an adeptus from Liyue. I was overjoyed but this meant she had to go back to protect Liyue in the absence of Rex Lapis. I inquired why she was here to begin with and she had stated that before the Geo archon had passed, he had told her to explore Teyvat and experience many emotions which many adepti fail to feel . I wanted to maintain my relationship with her even after she left and she happily agreed. We wanted to maintain this by sending letters to each other and promising to reply as soon as we could.

Dear Neuvilette,

I imagine being the iudex is not getting any funner or more interesting, being an adeptus isn't either. I waste my days surveying Liyue 's grounds which don't need much defending anymore. I dearly miss you and hope to see you again soon. My thoughts are filled with you and imagining where we would go and what would we do together. I can't help but wonder if we changed in any way.
Your beloved,


P.S. I love you

Mon cherié,

No, my profession is the same as usual but I cannot avoid my duties as judge, I'm sure Lady Furina would have my head. You should find a new hobby if you have time rather than lounging around. Maybe baking could suit you, or sewing, reading...I'm unsure what other hobbies interest you but hopefully when we see each other in the near future, you could tell me all about it and perhaps show me some of the works you had done if you choose to do sewing. Sewing would suit you as you have such delicate hands, many struggle with stringing the thread through the needle but I'm sure that you'll be perfect. I'm so glad that we had exchanged letters rather than just left things. I would love to meet you in Liyue, I have only been there briefly.
Your betrothed,


P.S. I love you more

To my bao bei,

How are you? I've taken up a new hobby, sewing! I'm pretty bad but I tried :D. I would hope that you would keep your long hair like I said a while ago as it definitely suits you....and i wouldn't want my little gift going to waste. I learnt how to sew and decided to make something for you! I know it's little but I didn't want to just accept all of the luxury items you've given me over the course of these long months. I had made a dark blue ribbon to match the streak of aqua running through your hair. I can only imagine how well it would suit you.
Your beloved,


P.P.S. I love you more <3

To my one and only amour,

I'm doing fine, but I miss you dearly. I'm pleased to know you've taken a new hobby, I have examined your fine needle work, it is exquisite. I will wear it every day, even to work or to meet anyone as a reminder of how lucky I am to receive such a treasure. I'm sure you put a lot of effort and love into making this ribbon for me, thank you, it's beautiful. You should not ever feel like you must give me gifts as all I require is your attention and affection. Every time I receive your letter, Fontaine's weather is guaranteed to be sunny and warm for many days to come. You don't know how much I crave to hug you everyday, I can still always remeber the way you smile, look and how those beautiful irises of yours shine. Those images of you are still vivid in my mind to the point that they are engraved.
Your betrothed,


P.P.S. I love you to Clestia and back.

801 words

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