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In the quietude of his chamber, Prince Salien, adorned in princely regalia, approached the ornate communication ring, a sense of guilt gnawing at his conscience. He had just returned from his first escapade. It was a disaster. He took a deep breath, his hand hesitating for a moment before pressing the enchanted gem that activated the communication spell. The ring emitted a soft glow as it connected to the distant chamber of the Emperor.

The emperor, his stern countenance softened by the glow of the communication spell, appeared on the enchanted surface of the ring. "Salien, what brings you to the communication ring at this hour?" The Emperor's voice held a note of curiosity.

The Prince, struggling with his conflicting emotions, cleared his throat before speaking, "Father, I must confess something to you. Today, I... I ventured beyond the palace grounds without your knowledge."

The emperor’s brows furrowed, a hint of concern clouding his eyes but realising it was his age to act in such a manner, he calmly asked, "What compelled you to leave the safety of the palace, Salien?"

Salien hesitated, grappling with the right words. "I needed a break from the constraints of my princely duties. The monotony became too stifling, and I sought solace in the night."

The Emperor's gaze softened remembering that his son is the same as he was when of his age. Still, knowing the potential dangers, he decided to keep his tone stern yet it tinged with paternal worry. "You endangered yourself, Salien. Do you realize the risks?"

Salien nodded, his gaze faltering. "I encountered trouble in the forest—a group of thugs attacked me. I used magic to defend myself, but one of them managed to wound me."

The Emperor’s tone shifted to concern. "Wounded? How severe is the injury, Salien said?"

Salien's eyes dropped, his voice tinged with remorse. "It's not life-threatening, but it hindered my abilities. I managed to return without causing a commotion, but I couldn't bear to keep this from you."

The Emperor sighed, his sternness giving way to a father's understanding. "Salien, you must understand the weight of your actions. However, your honesty in confessing is commendable. We shall address this matter together. Return to your chamber, and rest. You will not be punished this time."

Salien nodded, a mixture of gratitude and guilt etched on his features. "Thank you, Father. I understand the gravity of my actions, and I am prepared to face any consequences."

The communication spell dimmed, leaving Salien alone with his thoughts as he contemplated the repercussions of his clandestine escapade.

But, even after the Labyrinth incident where he was hurt by the Creeper lady, Prince Salien found himself once again yearning for a taste of the world beyond the palace walls. His father, the emperor, was away attending to matters of state again, leaving Salien said to seize the opportunity for a secret adventure. As he stealthily made his way back into the palace, he nearly collided with the emperor, who had returned unexpectedly.

The Emperor said  "Salien, my elusive explorer, where do you think you're going?"

Salien said, "Father! I, uh, I was just returning from the library. Late-night studies, you know."

The Emperor said  "Late-night studies in the library, or perhaps late-night tales with the city's storytellers?"

Salien said, "Well, maybe a bit of both. I just wanted to learn about our people, especially after the slavery case. What if I find something else?"

The Emperor said, "Ah, the curious mind of a prince. I can't fault you for that. But next time, let's schedule these midnight lessons together."

Salien said, "Together?"

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