Chapter 7

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The next day, when I reached the next floor, Noah pondered whether to ascend to the next floor of the labyrinth or to spend a day in the market, a mysterious sign with ancient inscriptions confronted us. Completely unfamiliar with the language, I turned to Noah, who decided to play the role of an expert interpreter.

He crouched down, holding the sign horizontally as if it were a precious artefact. "Ah, let me see. It says... there's a guardian spirit on the next floor, a mighty ghost with a penchant for riddles."

I raised an eyebrow, skeptical of Noah's sudden expertise in deciphering ancient languages. "Really? You can read that?"

Noah nodded, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Oh, absolutely. It's all about the technique." He squinted his eyes, pretending to scrutinize the markings closely. "The key is to focus on the nuances, the subtleties of the strokes. It's like deciphering a secret code, you see."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his theatrics. "Come on, Noah. You're not fooling anyone. I know you're making this up."

Noah feigned innocence, his expression exaggerated. "Me? Making things up? Amy, how could you doubt my unparalleled linguistic skills?"

I crossed my arms, amused but unyielding. "Because the sign is upside down, Noah."

Noah blinked, glancing at the sign and then back at me. He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Ah, well, you know, even the most skilled linguists make mistakes. It's a common pitfall, really."

I shook my head, a playful smirk on my face. "Nice try, Noah. Let's just admit we have no idea what it says and proceed with caution. A ghost guardian sounds pretty ominous, after all."

Noah grinned, relinquishing the act. "Fair enough, Amy. No need for ancient language skills when we have each other to navigate the labyrinth. Onward to the next floor, then?"

The air in the labyrinth's next floor felt heavy with an otherworldly presence, and as Noah and I advanced, the atmosphere grew more ominous. The ancient inscriptions had warned of a guardian spirit, but the reality surpassed any expectations. A spectral figure materialized before us, its ethereal form emanating an eerie glow.

I tightened my grip on my staff, readying myself for the impending confrontation. The ghostly guardian hovered, its eyes glowing with an unsettling intensity. Noah stood by my side, his concern palpable.

The battle commenced with a sudden ferocity. The ghost unleashed a barrage of ethereal projectiles, each one carrying a chilling whisper. I deftly dodged and countered, utilizing the defensive magic I had honed in previous encounters. However, this ghost was unlike anything I had faced before.

Its attacks were relentless, and with each passing moment, I felt the strain on my magical reserves. The ghost's maneuvers were unpredictable, and despite my best efforts, I found myself pushed to the brink.

Noah, sensing the escalating danger, shouted words of encouragement and strategic advice. His voice cut through the chaos, a lifeline in the spectral tempest. Yet, as the battle raged on, it became evident that victory would not come easily.

A moment of distraction proved costly. The ghost seized the opportunity, launching a powerful onslaught that left me vulnerable. I braced for impact, the ethereal force striking me with an otherworldly intensity. The impact was staggering, and for a moment, everything went dark.

As consciousness wavered, I felt a surge of energy enveloping me. It was Noah, his own magical abilities manifesting in a desperate attempt to shield me from harm. The protective barrier held just long enough for me to regain my bearings.

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