Chapter 14

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As I made my way back to the labyrinth's entrance on the next day, my footsteps felt lighter than before. The weight of my familial burdens, though not entirely lifted, seemed to have found a temporary respite. Noah, waiting there with a characteristic grin, noticed the change in my demeanor.

"Well, well, look who's back with a lighter heart," he remarked, his eyes dancing with mischief.

I shot him a playful glare. "Don't read too much into it. I'm just in a slightly less foul mood."

Noah chuckled, the sound resonating in the labyrinth's stone walls. "I guess my wise words worked wonders, huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "Let's not get carried away. Your 'wise words' were just a tad bit blunt."

He feigned innocence. "Blunt? Me? Never."

"Right, because telling someone their world is cruel and they shouldn't be naive is the epitome of subtlety," I retorted, a teasing smile playing on my lips.

Noah scratched his head, a sheepish grin on his face. "Okay, maybe I could've sugar-coated it a bit. My bad."

I chuckled, appreciating his candid admission. "Apology accepted, but don't make a habit out of being too blunt. I'm delicate, you know."

Noah feigned shock, placing a hand over his heart. "Delicate? Amy, I never would've guessed."

I nudged him playfully. "Watch it, or I might reconsider that acceptance."

He held his hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright. No more brutal honesty from me, at least for today."

We shared a laugh, the tension from earlier dissipating into the labyrinth's enigmatic atmosphere. In that moment, as we stood at the labyrinth's entrance, I couldn't help but appreciate the levity Noah brought to the sometimes overwhelming journey.

"So," he began, his tone light, "are we ready for the next floor? Any more ghosts or disillusioned guardians we should be prepared for?"

I smirked, realizing that Noah's knack for humor was a welcome antidote to the labyrinth's challenges. "No promises, but I'm hoping for a less dramatic encounter this time."

Noah grinned. "Sounds like a plan. Lead the way, oh delicate one."

As we ventured deeper into the labyrinth, I couldn't deny the comfort I found in Noah's easygoing presence. Despite the trials that awaited us, his banter and willingness to apologize for his bluntness reminded me that, in this mystical maze, unexpected friendships could be as magical as any spell.

The transition to the next floor brought an unexpected calm. The air felt lighter, and a soft glow enveloped us as we stepped into a space adorned with the delicate flickers of fireflies. The tranquility of the scene was almost surreal after the challenges of the previous floors.

Noah and I exchanged glances, both sensing the unusual serenity in the air. According to the inscription, this floor served as a respite, a place where neither monsters nor adversaries would threaten us. It was a rare moment of peace in the heart of the labyrinth.

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise," Noah remarked, taking in the fireflies dancing around us. "I guess even labyrinths need their chill zones."

I chuckled, appreciating the break from the constant tension. "Seems like it. A peaceful interlude before we dive into whatever awaits us next."

Noah scanned the surroundings, his gaze fixed on the ethereal glow of the fireflies. "You know, for a place filled with mysteries and dangers, this floor is surprisingly calming."

"It's a reminder that not everything in here is out to get us," I mused, watching the gentle movements of the fireflies. "Even in the midst of challenges, there can be moments of respite."

[Completed] Amaryllis And The Labyrinth Of Magic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora