Forever, Untill Forever More💞

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'Habibty! You are a bride! Wallah, I'm so happy' Nadia was at the other end of the call  '
'I'm screaming on top of my voice.' Nadia said in the loudest voice over the phone. She had called Zarah in the middle of the night and had interrupted her call with Jamil.
' So Jamil wants Ahmed to come over and see the Emir with him, apparently according to tradition he shouldn't go over alone, right?'
'I'm not sure' Zarah replied
' Well he has sent us the address we'll be seeing you in London today as well' She left out the part about Jamil sending her to shop for a dress for Zarah and last minute arrangement to fly boxes of gold jewellery from the first flight landing in London from Dubai.
Nadia had explained to Jamil that it was traditional for him not to go empty-handed.
'Make sure whatever you get is put in a set of luggage' Nadia was explaining.
So he ordered a Louis Vuitton trunk vintage set and asked for it to be delivered in London. His dad asked him to come early although the Emire of Kano Mai Martaba was to see them by 2:30 pm. He couldn't wait to see Zarah. He was to meet his dad at The Dorchester. He had also ordered a thawb, which he was to wear with the hula he borrowed from his dad.
At the hotel, his mom, and Nadia were putting all the gifts in the boxes. He had earlier called the manager of the Dorchester and asked for cash to be delivered to his hotel suite for the Maher/Sadaqi. All was set, he was ready to see Zarah as his wife.
Zarah woke up early, after her fajah Salah she got ready to leave for London with her family. Her Aunt came into the room with an excited face and said there was a delivery for her by the door. When she went out, it was a bunch of beautiful roses and a note
Alhamdulillah I woke up as your husband
See you in a bit Love
Zarah smiled then the man handed her an envelope and said
'I'll be outside waiting for you Madame"
Zarah looked to the driveway to see that the man was waiting in a luxury mini Mercedes bus and the envelope was a first-class train ticket for her and her family. Ohh Jamil, Zarah thought to herself, you just can't hold back, can you?
She informed her family and her stepmother said ' Toh, Ashe Baban sa nada arziki ( looks like his father is rich)'
Zarah didn't bother to answer but her aunt did
'He is very successful, in billions of Naira, so ki kwantar da hankalinki, ba talaka bane ( be at peace, he is not wretched )
Zarah was glad her aunt spoke up. Her stepmom thinks their family are the only wealthy people in the world.
When they arrived in London, there was the same type of minibus waiting for them. They drove to the Emir's house.
There was chanting and merriment for the female members of the Emir's family. Zarah was covered in a white laffayya, sprayed perfume and some even sprayed her with cash.

2:00 pm, at the Dorchester, Jamil, his family, Ahmed and Nadia headed to the Emir's house in West London in two executives chauffeured Limousines. Jamil was sitting with his dad at the back while Ahmed was in the front seat.
'No pressure mate, the Sunnah is don, this is just formalities' Ahmed said. It was obvious that Jamil was a bit tense. His dad tapped his shoulders and adjusted his hula on his head. He knew it was real, his father had told him he was married to Zarah no doubt, but this reality was yet to settle in his mind. Maybe when he sees her. The drive was short. When they arrived his mom and Nadia were taken to the women with gifts. Zarah was under the White laffayya when she felt a hug. It was Nadia, she recognized that hug and squealed with delight any where. Next, she heard Jamil's mom and her hand on her shoulder.  
'Alhamdulillah kayya yayi kyau. MashaAllah' one of the women said while looking through the gifts.
'There's a dress for her' Nadia said 'Is it fine if she changes to it?'
'That's fine the Emir's wife said'
They were taken to an empty room down the hall. When Zarah finally took off the laffayya she gave Nadia a long hug.
'I'm still in awe of all of this. Is like a dream I don't want to wake up from Nadia" Zarah said.
'Okay so let's do a very light makeup and put this on' When Nadia unzipped the bag hanger she was holding Zarah held her breath.
' This is beautiful Nadee'
The dress was made from a cream lace beaded sequence and pearls.
After getting dressed, the women took Zarah to the larger seating room. Zarah had a long white veil over her head but she could sport Jamil seated on the other side with the other men.
Prayers were said, and there was a long speech about the Baraka of marriage from the Emir. There was a thank you speech from Jamil's father and finally, Jamil was asked to bring forth his wife and greet the Emir, and both their parents.
She could see Jamil approach her from underneath her veil. He took her hands in his hand and took her in front of the Emir. They knelt in front of the Emir then her parents and his parent, all the while, Jamil did not let go of her hand.
The Emir's wife took the new couple with their friends only and some of her kids to her living room where there was lunch. After she left Jamil turned to Zarah and indicated he wanted to raise her veil. When he did they all cheered and he held both her hands bent to her ears and whispered 'I love you beautiful'
The happiness he only imagined and dreamt of was now a reality. Zarah was his bride!.

love is eternal
love is unbreakable
love transcends time
Our love travelled through time
Searching for our souls
Over time, it flickered in every flame and sprang in every new plant. In every flower that blossomed it lives. In every flake of snow, with a sparkle it lived. Through the visible wave rays of the sun in summer and the silvery drops of rain, breathing life to earth.
Wondering through time, searching for our souls it did.
We were meant to be
We were meant to meet
The perfect time
The perfect moment... our souls united in love.
For this love shall live forever and through time Until the end of time💞

For this love shall live forever and through time Until the end of time💞

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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