Nurtured love

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Jamil could remember the excruciating pain when he fell on the football pitch, he remembered being lifted into the ambulance but the last thing he recalled before he blanked out was he had to tell Zarah how he felt about her.
He woke up realizing he was on a hospital bed. His ankle felt heavy and numb. He wondered how long he'd been in there. When the door to the room opened he saw his mum.

'Oh darling, you are awake' she said with a mixture of worry and excitement in her tone.

'Hi mum' Jamil said faintly
His mom came up to his side and kissed his cheek. He remembered they were on a holiday in America. How was she here, when did she get back? He tried to sit up but his numb feet were stopping him.

'You should relax darling, I'll get the nurse. You frightened us. Just stay still' his mum said and dashed out of the room. She came back with a nurse who introduced herself as Martha. She was a nice Caribbean woman, with full dreadlocks and and warm smile.

'Good to see you awake young man' she said with her unmistakable Caribbean accent while checking his vitals.
'All looks good, now if you'd like to be up, I'll call my colleague to help put you in a chair okay, you cannot put any pressure on your left leg' she warned.

Just as she was going out, she turned with a smile and said 'Are you not going to ask for Zarah today'

'What?' Jamil asked a bit confused

'Apparently, you have asked for Zarah several times between your unconsciousness. The young lady has been here through the three days you've been here, I met her yesterday when I came in from the airport and she was so adorable and kind' his mom explained

Jamil felt a little embarrassed, he wondered what had happened while he was unconscious and how Zarah felt meeting his mother. She probably would not visit because his mom is here now. He wanted to see her. She kept him company in his unconsciousness.

'You didn't tell me about her Jamil,' his mom said with a smile. When he didn't answer she continued 'The nurses said she stayed with you until it was time to clear the ward. How don't I know about her and she's Nigerian, your dad would be thrilled' his mom raved about Zarah.

'Mom, calm down. I just met her and I don't even know if we are together' he said putting his hand on his head, a bit frustrated that he can't get up. The nurses came in with a male nurse and they lifted him and dropped him gently on the wheelchair.

'Thank you' he said to them
Just as they left, the door opened and it was Ahmed, Nadia and Zarah. She was behind Nadia looking a bit shy. He was glad to see them, especially Zarah.

'Hey mate, Alhamdulillah you are up' Ahmed said shaking Jamil's hand.

Zarah and Nadia greeted his mom and she hugged both girls and said 'thank you for being there for him'
'Good to see you up and seated Jamil' Nadia said
'Thanks, Nadia, is good to see you' Jamil replied.
'Salaam Zarah,' Jamil said to the seemingly shy Zarah
'Wa Alaikum Salaam glad to see you up' she said. There was an undeniable chemistry between them and anyone watching them could not miss it. Jamil's mom stood up and said.
'Since you all are here I'll take some time to go home and have a shower and change.' She picked up her bag and added
'your dad had to stay in California to deliver a paper, he'll be back as soon as he's done, he sends you lots of prayers and love' She kissed Jamil on his cheek and waved to the rest.

Zarah remember the moment she met Jamil's mom. She was sitting on a chair at the bedside while Jamil was still asleep and sedated. It had taken Zarah aback that she was the first person he asked for when he gained consciousness. He has been in and out of consciousness for the past two days and Zarah has been by his side ever since. She spent less time at work and stayed with him for as long as the hospital allowed.
She had never felt this freighted for someone's life as she did for Jamil when they got the news of his accident. She knew right then she was in love with Jamil and couldn't deny or stop herself. She prayed for his recovery so hard in the past three days.

When his mom walked into the room she was taken aback seeing Zarah, but she introduced herself as Sarah and said 'I'm Jamil's mom' in the kindest voice. Zarah greeted her but was lost for words what to say about whom, or what she was to Jamil.
'My name is Zarah, I'm a friend of Jamil' Zarah finally said. It seemed appropriate, she was Jamil's friend, at least they had lunch, and shared mutual friends. Or maybe she should have said he was her boss.

Sarah smiled at Zarah and said 'Is nice to meet you, Zarah'
Sarah was a gorgeous woman, she was dressed in beige coloured clothes and had a headscarf wrapped around her head. She stood tall and slender. She reminded Zarah of Juliet Robert. If Zarah were to describe her in one word, she'd say VOGUE.

They all hung out in Jamil's room for a while after which Nadia and Ahmed decided they had some errands to run. They asked Zarah if she was staying or coming along. She looked at Jamil, she could see in his eyes he wanted her to stay, and she wanted to stay as well, but now that he was conscious, she did not know how their interactions were going to be. She wondered what discussion they would have or if it would be an awkward silence.
She eventually said 'Yes, I would stay,'
She could see in Jamil's eyes that he was glad she was staying and he said 'thank you without sounding it. If she was not looking at him she would have missed that.

'Okay, Jamil we leave you in the best of company. Take care.' Nadia said.

When they left Zarah felt awkward. Jamil sensed that and said.
'Thanks for staying' Jamil said ' It's a bit maddening I can't get up by myself, the nurse warned me I shouldn't try

'You should listen to the nurses, you scared me... I mean you scared everyone.' Zarah said she realized she had slipped out and that she was scared when he had an accident. She deliberately did not look at Jamil's face to see his reaction.

'Zarah, I was scared, not because my ankles hurt but because of you.'
Zarah looked up to his face. It was the most serious she had seen him be.
'You were there even in my unconsciousness, you were there, I was afraid of not seeing you again'

There was intensity and vulnerability in him she felt it deep inside her. It pulled her into his feelings and all she could say was
'I'm here, Jamil' She stood by the window of the room facing him. While he sat in the wheelchair. His facial hair and beard were ungroomed as it always was, but he still looked handsome.

The nurses came in to check his vitals. Followed by a specialist doctor.
'All your results are good, so I will let you go home with the precaution that you do not put unnecessary pressure on your ankle.' The doctor turned to Zarah and said 'Make sure of this please ' assuming that Zarah was Jamil's wife or partner as the British say.
Zarah smiled shyly and said
'I'll make sure of that'
The doctor continued ' You also have to see a physiotherapist twice a week'

'Thanks, doctor' Jamil said still with a smile remembering the doctor's assumption that Zarah was his wife.

'Are you gonna call your mom to let her know you've been discharged?' Zarah asked him when the medical team left.

'I was hoping I didn't have to' he said 'I can call an Uber or Ajay if Ahmed is busy'

'I have two concerns though,' Jamil said

'What?' Zarah asked with sincere worry.

'Would you come visit me while I'm at my place, and can I have your number' he had wanted her number from the first time he met her, of course, he would have gotten her number from HR but that was against his principles. If he was to have her number, she would have to give him.

Zarah smiled 'I'll give you my number, and I told you I'm here, I meant that'

Zarah smiled 'I'll give you my number, and I told you I'm here, I meant that'

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