The Walima

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The winter breeze made Zarah's morning a lot harder. She had to run to class and sat beside the heating unit. Half the time in class her mind wandered off to the thought of Jamil.
When the class was over, Zarah made notes on further reading. She came out of the lecture building to find Jamil standing in the cold with two cups of coffee.

' it's just coffee, and if you insist on paying me back, it's one pound, fifty (1.50)' Jamil said with his shoulder up and a slight smile.

Zarah couldn't resist his charm. She accepted the coffee and they went into the school cafeteria to sit.
'So let's talk about what was bothering you yesterday' Jamil said sitting opposite her.

The cafeteria was full with students and staff having breakfast. It was 10 am and most of them just got out of class.
This was the right moment to tell him about her family's unbendable rules and how they couldn't be together.

When she raised her eyes from her coffee cup, she met Jamil's gaze, he was looking at her with adoration and attentiveness. He had folded his hand on the table and had put his coffee cup to the side.
Zarah couldn't bring herself to tell him about her truth.
She smiled at him and said 'You're acting like an investigative agent. Do I need my lawyer present
Zarah wanted to joke about the situation but she could see the seriousness pasted on Jamil's face.

'I'm scared' she murmured without looking at him
' I'm not here for fun, Zarah I'm here for real, and I trust you with everything I have and I need you to trust me as well.'
Zarah had tears in her eyes, she wanted to tell him, that it was not him she was scared of.
'Hey, look at me' he said searching for her face. When she managed to look up, he saw the tears. Jamil got up to get a tissue paper and handed it to Zarah. He wanted to hold her in his arms and protect her from what she was afraid of but he could only assure her with his words

'I'll never hurt you, Zarah, I promise' Jamil was certain how he felt about Zarah, he was in love with her and she was the one he wanted to be with for the rest of his life.
On the day of Nadia and Ahmed's walimah, Zarah contemplated whether to wear the Emerald. Jamil had refused to take it back. Nadia had told her to please wear it, but she was still in doubt. She had brought it along to the hotel where they were getting ready. They had talked on the phone through the night.

' I was looking forward to busting some dance moves, tomorrow, but my ankle will not permit that' Jamil said over the phone. It was 3 am and they had been on the phone for four hours talking.

' I'm glad you have reconsidered busting any moves.' Zarah said.
' I'll look out for your dance moves then' Jamil said
' you will be disappointed, I can't dance to save my life' Zarah said with a laugh
' Nothing about you can ever disappoint me' Jamil said with a serious tone.
' your flattering would not get me to dance Jamil' she said trying to downplay his seriousness. 'I have to go to sleep or else I'll be the late bridesmaid'
' I'll see you tomorrow then' he said
'Bye,' Zarah ended the call.

After her makeup, the next morning, she took the Emerald out and wore it. It was perfect. After their long conversation last night, she had decided to wear it.
At the venue, there was going to be a procession on the aisle
The mothers went in first with lots of merriment and chaos,  it reminded her of Nigerian weddings.
The groom and groomsmen followed, dancing and chanting. Zarah was looking through the white drape that kept them out of sight from the aisle, her gaze fell on Jamil and her heart melted. He was wearing a black three-piece suit and chanting. Some of them were jumping and dancing. Jamil was holding a golden decorated saif, ( a decorative sword held by arab men). He looked dashing. Zarah held her breath hoping, Jamil would not get carried away and jump as well. When they finally sat, it was time for the bride and her entourage.
Zarah stood behind Nadia who was getting emotional.
'Habibty, you can't cry, please' Zarah said
'Take a deep breath' she told Nadia.
They started walking and swaying to the music. Nadia was right in front, then the bridesmaids lined up behind her in two. When they got close to the stage she met Jamil's gaze, he had a slight smile of satisfaction, perhaps because she was wearing his gift.
There was dancing and dining and a burst of Somali cultural display. Towards the end when of the walimah, Jamil and Zarah sat watching their friends dancing around Nadia and Ahmed looking happy. Jamil said

' I've wished and prayed for this, now I'm certain with whom I want this'
he turned to look at Zarah, but she refused to meet his gaze.
' In my dreams is you' Jamil added
Zarah had a shy smile on her face.
The evening ended beautifully. Ahmed and Nadia drove away in a white Bentley.

'Ready to go?' Jamil asked Zarah. He was dropping her at her place.
' Yes,' she answered, Zarah had to pack for her trip back to Nigeria. Her brother's wedding was next week.
While they were driving Jamil asked
'Are you sure I can't come with you to the wedding?'
' No Jamil, you don't want me dead do you?' she joked.
' No, I want you back in one piece please, I'll pick you up by 10 pm. tomorrow for the airport'
' I can call an Uber..' Jamil cut into her protest
' you know I wanna take you, right?'
She nodded and said 'Thank you' The truth is she wanted him to take her and she was gonna miss him dearly. She was looking forward to one week of wedding feaster in Kano, but Jamil will be kept a secret in her heart.

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