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Zarah was having a hectic semester. More than ever she felt the pressure of school work and she missed home, she had never being a fan of the British weather. She just found out 6 out of her 8 weeks holiday would have to be spent doing an internship, to think that she was eager to be back home in Kano. She had called her dad to ask him if she could do it in Nigeria and he was against it, insisting she has to stay back in the UK.
She missed Kano, she missed her cousins and best pal. The two week was spared be a use of her elder brother's wedding in Nigeria even that made her sad. She was missing out on the preparation for her only brother's wedding.
Zarah quickly walked to class as the morning wind picked up speed.
When morning class was over, the lecturer announced the visit of an important figure. Everyone listened attentively, while the lecturer introduced the guest.
'He is our alumni and the creator of the famous AlgorTrack App. He will be part of our internship directors. We as a Faculty are proud and glad to have him. Please welcome Jamil Haroon everyone'
The name did not remind Zarah of anyone but then she saw him the guy from Auntie Julies party. He did say he went to this school but she did not think she would be seeing him again. Of course, that is why he could afford flashy limited edition cars.
'Hi everybody, and thank you, Professor William. My self and my team are opening up a few slots for internships. So we except the best, and we will be looking out for the best prospective interns. Good luck to you all.'

Zarah saw all the excitement in the classmate but did not know what to think about Jamil. Yes, he was handsome but she knew better to pay attention to that. Just as he was leaving their eyes locked before she dodged behind the person in front of her. Why did his look make her uneasy? She has always thought about herself as a confident girl but he made her jittery with his gaze.

Zarah brushed the thought of Jamil away from her mind and walked down to the cafe. She was hungry and was meeting up with her friend Nadia and her fiancee Ahmed. Well technically Ahmed is married to Nadia according to Islamic law, but in Somali-British culture, they will be officially recognised as married after the big walimah and party.
Zarah met Nadia seated already.
'Salaam Habibi, I got your usual, toast and omelette' Nadia said
'Thank Nadee I'm so hungry' Zarah said slouching into a seat beside Nadia.
' where is Ahmed?' Zarah asked
' He went to see his good friend who's been absent for a while now. You know I know you have made it clear about not being involved with anyone, but I'll have suggested you to attempt to know this particular guy if it could lead to something.'

Zarah ignored her friend, they had been through this severely. Nadia is always trying to match her up with a potential husband.
' Ahmed said he's really looking to settle down'
' Nadee' Zarah said cautiously.
' okay okay' Nadia said putting her hand up in surrender.

Ahmed came in to the cafe and right behind him was Jamil, Zarah frowned and thought to herself is she going to see this guy everywhere she goes or what. Then she realised he was coming up to their table with Ahmed. Great just great.
Ahmed and Jamil sat and Ahmed started to introduce Zarah to Jamil.
' I've met her' Jamil said ' in Auntie Julie's place' telling Zarah to remind her where they met.
' I promised not to stalk her. So I assure you this is pure coincidence, no stalking whatsoever.'
Jamil said to Zarah
'Salaam Jamil is good to see you, so you've met Zarah' Nadia said with a quirky smile.
Now Zarah was self-conscious and couldn't finish her breakfast.
' Yes, we drove back to town from Auntie Julie and I assured her I was not a stalker before she reluctantly allowed me to drop her at her place'
Nadia turned to Zarah with a raised eyebrow
'You never told me this'
'There was nothing to tell' Zarah said noticing Jamil's gaze on her.
'Okay if you say so' Nadia said in a flat tone.
' Jamil hope you are not disappearing to another corner of the world again soon' Nadia said
' Nahh he is sticking around for a while' Ahmed said.
' As a matter of fact, I'm running a project within the school campus, so I'm very much around' Jamil said.
'Oh that's nice to know' Nadia said
Zarah did not say much as the three chattered about things they had done when growing up and events in the past.
After a while, Ahmed and Jamil left to go to Ahmed's garage. He had a car business in which he customised cars and he was doing so well. Jamil had given him his Ferrari to customize and they were going to see how it was going.
'I'll see you later Xaaska (which meant wife in Somali) Ahemd said to Nadia kissing her hand.
When they left Nadia asked Zarah
'Why are you so uneasy around him? That's unlike you'
'I don't know, he makes me uneasy, not in a bad way or creepy way. Perhaps I should stay away from him.' she paused for a while and added
'But I'd love to get into his company internship program. You know when I saw him and noticed his stares at me at Auntie Julie's place, I tried avoiding him, then he was asked to give me a ride, the most uncomfortable ride, not because I was not seated well, I mean it a Range Rover, but he wanted to have a full-blown conversation. You know Nadia I can't get into that.' she ended her explanation

'You have to give yourself a chance Zarah' Nadia replied her explanation.

'You know I can't' Zarah replied with a hint of sadness in her tone.
'We've been through this already.' She added

Nadia has been friends with Zarah from the very first day they came into uni. She was trying to understand what her friend was feeling. She has seen her friend overlook guys but this look was different. Nadia could bet Zarah felt something for Jamil, but she wouldn't even allow herself to recognize or even acknowledge that. It was sad. She wanted what she had with Ahmed for her friend. She wanted her friend to fall in love, and get married, as she did with Ahmed, but circumstances were not allowing Zarah to do so she just had to pray for her and pray that she would be fine.

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