Fighting for Love

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After bearing his heart out to  Zarah last night and knowing she loved him as well, he had more momentum to fight for her. He had little sleep last night because he stayed up chatting with Zarah who was three doors away from him. After he let her go to bed to get her needed rest, Jamil performed ablution and prayed. He was used to praying at night but this time, he wanted a miracle from Allah. He wanted to marry Zarah in the most amicable manner ever. He had no idea how that would be, but his prayer was sincere and desperate. He wanted this so bad he subbed on his prayer mat. Before he went to bed he said Ya Allah, I put my trust in You.

Mid-morning, Zarah was feeling much better, she took a shower and went downstairs, a bit nervous that this was Jamil's parents' home.
In the seating room, she saw Jamil's mom and his dad. This was the first time she was meeting his dad, when she was brought in sick, she couldn't remember anything.

'Good morning ma' she said to Jamil's mom 'Ohh what formality Zarah, you should call me by my name'
Zarah couldn't do that, that was not how she was brought up. She smiled and said to his dad
'Good morning sir'
Jamil's dad looked at her with a puzzled expression
'Kintashi lafiya' he asked
'Alhamdulillah, na gode' Zarah said keeping her head down.
' I'm leaving back to my place and I wanted to say thank you.' Zarah said.
'Ohh No, please don't go wait until your family gets here. I'm calling Julie to let her know you are here, should anyone come looking for you' Jamil's mum said moving toward Zarah and putting her hand on her shoulder. Jamil's dad looked at Zarah well for the first time there was a familiarity about her he could shake off. She had a likeness and resemblance to someone he knew.

Zarah couldn't argue with Jamil's mum, she wanted to stay but thought it was not appropriate for her to.
'Have some breakfast and think about it. You are still recovering and it would be rather inappropriate for you to be all alone' Jamil's mom insisted.

Moments later Jamil came downstairs and saw  Zarah sitting on the dining table with a plate of untouched pancakes, and scrambled eggs.
His mom and dad were in the library
'Hey, are you alright' he asked Zarah sitting on the chair opposite her.
'I don't think is appropriate for me to stay but your mum insists and I don't want to look ungrateful or disrespectful' Zarah said with confusion in her voice.

' Please stay, Please. The roads are still blocked very few are accessible and you'll be all by yourself.'
I don't have clothes to wear, I can't keep wearing your mom's cardigan.' Zarah said
' I can get some clothes delivered to you, please don't say no, it will be easy to do so'
'No, Jamil, I can't take anything from you' Zarah said in a sad voice
'Why, my mum told me about the arrangement for you' Jamil said ' I'll give every penny I have for you to be my wife, Zarah, so don't refuse my kindness' he said.
Zarah's eyes were filled with tears and she had nothing to say.
'It kills me seeing you sad, I can't  remember praying harder than this for anything or anyone else in my life' Jamil said to her calmly

While Zarah and Jamil were still on the dining table his dad walked in and had on his face a mixture of emotions.
'You are Hamidah's daughter' his statement was directed at Zarah who as puzzled, as was Jamil.
'Dad what are you talking about?' Jamil asked.
'Your dad knew Zarah's mother in Zaria when she was.. a young lady and Auntie Mairo was her best friend' Jamil's mom said walking up behind his dad.
Jamil turned to Zarah whose face was puzzled and concerned. When she  finally spoke she said
' My mother's name was Hamidah, she lived in Zaria when she was young and I remember she had a friend in America, although I can't recall her name Zarah said sadly
'Allah yajikan ta da Rahama' his dad said. He sat on the couch shaking his head. He finally said
'Ohh my, ohh my, history is not about to repeat itself.' Jamil's dad said in a strained voice
Jamil looked at his dad and knew something serious was on. 'Are you okay Dad?'
' you know the story I told you about losing a girl I wanted to marry because her family wouldn't allow us to marry? Well that was Hamidah, Zarah's mother'
Jamil looked at Zarah who was up from the dining chair and standing by his mother. His mom held her by the shoulder and said

'We will do everything within our means to ensure this doesn't happen to you two.' His mom said emphatically.

Zarah stayed at the Haroons for four more days before her family members came to the UK. They had flown to Manchester and she was to meet them over there.
On her last night, they sat on the porch, with each holding a cup of tea. Zarah was wrapped in a big Burberry scarf Jamil had gotten for her with an entire winter clothing.

' learning about the past has been something, I don't want to imagine how they felt, it's killing me to imagine it could happen to...' Jamil couldn't finish his statement.
The past days had been quite revealing to Zarah, she had learned about how her mother was in secondary school from Auntie Mairo. They had spoken at length about the time of her mother's life she never knew and how her mother was married off to her dad even though she was in love with Mr Haroon. She learned that the two women had reconnected through a school friend and had begun to exchange letters.

' Dad said he'll be seeing the Emir of Kano in London tomorrow night, he said they were in the University of Lagos together and were members of a small Union of Northern Students.' Jamil said
'I have never been more scared in my life' he added.
Zarah looked at his handsome face, his hair was growing out of his carved beard. He looked worried. He had asked her if there was anyone he could talk to about them from her family, but she had said none.
'Jamil, nothing of us can come on my accord to my family, this would certainly ruin everything' she said.
'Let's hope the Emir does influence your family's decision'
Zarah couldn't answer and she didn't know what the outcome would be. She has never heard of an intervention by anyone in the issue of her family's arranged marriages, but she also held on to the glimpse of hope.
'Can I drive you to Manchester? Please say yes, please?' Jamil asked
'Okay' Zarah said, she understood Jamil wanted to be with her for as long as possible and she thought of the fact that it might be their last time together. Once her family became aware of their relationship and were determined to still go on with their plan, it might be the end of her stay in the UK. 

In the middle of the night knowing well both of them couldn't sleep Jamil sent her a message

"No matter what, I'll love you forever"

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