◍Chapter 27: An Issue of Trust◍

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Lloyd: "I-I see... So how do-?"

Zuki: "-I know how to defeat the Overlord? Oh geez! Where should I start? Oh dear... There's so much to say!"

Zuki smiles as his eyes spark with joy.

Kai: "Maybe start off on how do you know (Y/n)."

Zuki: "Oooh... Easy but it's weird because some might think it's stalking but I would say it helps with knowing what's been going on here in Ninjago."

Zuki then uses his powers to show recordings of (Y/n) in different battles with the ninja using her powers and different weapons.

Zuki: "I've been watching over her since the beginning. Though I've not been in Ninjago for so long, (Y/n) was the source that helped me watch over the place for years. I've seen her mistakes. I've seen everything..."

A footage of (Y/n) was shown where she failed to do something right or had gotten herself hurt. There was one where she was holding a lantern and putting it on the water. She then walks away as all the recordings disappear into small sparks.

Zuki: "But... the one that caught me off guard was when she gave everything to stop the draining."

Lloyd: "What draining?"

Zuki then thinks about how he could explain it.

Zuki: "Uh... basically the Overlord's two new puppets had drained her powers but (Y/n) tried to fight back by giving up her powers. She fought well to stop the inevitable. But that power..."

He then makes an orb of light, similar to (Y/n)'s power. It floats around as it leaves sparks around the air.

Zuki: "...Now belongs to me."

Jay: "But how?"

Zuki: "I think that's complicated... It's similar to when a star dies and explodes but more differently. When an (L/n) is in a midlife crisis of dying or being destroyed, they can transfer their powers to someone alive or dead."

They all looked shocked by this and looked at Zuki like he was a zombie. Zuki nervously chuckles as he scratches the back of his neck.

Zuki: "Uh... What?"

Lloyd: "A-are you...?"

Zuki: "Oh! I guess you figured it out? Yeah... I was once dead but I kinda got resurrected from the dead."

Jay: "You're not gonna eat us, right?"

Zuki raises his eyebrow as he seems confused by this.

Zuki: "F*ck no. That would make me a cannibal and I ain't that."

Jay sighs in relief as he was glad that Zuki wasn't going to harm them.

Zuki: "But why would you think that?"

Jay: "Because I thought you were a zombie."

Zuki: "A... zombie?"

Zuki seems confused as he tilts his head.

✿The Return of Jadeite's Sister✿Lloyd x F!Reader✿(Book 3)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat