✯Chapter 11: Kryptarium Prison Blues✯

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∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

The ninja were called into the visiting room as Darreth and Skylor came to visit them.

Darreth: "Okay, guys, I know things look grim, but don't worry, the ol' Brown Ninja's got your back! I've been doing tons of research."

Darreth opens his suitcase as many files pop out of there. I don't know how he did it but this is a cartoon, what else?

Lloyd: "Great. What's the plan?"

Darreth: "We have to file for something called a, a... Aha! A "mistrial!"

Darreth took out one of the files as he placed it on the table. The other ninja looked at each other as they seemed to like this idea.

Zane: "We have grounds for a mistrial? What are they?"

Darreth: "The very real grounds that we don't like the judge's verdict!"

The ninja groans as (Y/n) does a facepalm.

Zane: "I regret to inform you that is not grounds for a mistrial."

Darreth: "Huh? It isn't?"

Skylor: "Sorry to pile on the bad news, but something else happened. That king you busted in Shintaro?"

Jay: "Vangelis?"

Cole: "The Skull Sorcerer?"

(Y/n): "That father of Vania? The one who is an *sshole?"

Skylor: "Yeah. Last night someone, or something, sprang him from prison. He disappeared. Even Jalen and Elijah."

(Y/n): "Wait... What does that mean?"

Skylor: "We were going to check up on them if they found something for you guys but we found that they weren't around. But we found signs of a struggle on the ground. Probably made by Elijah's robotic spider arms..."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she was surprised. Elijah and Jalen are missing? How and why she questions herself. And who would do this to them? Suddenly, Lloyd spoke up as (Y/n) snaps out of her mind.

Lloyd: "The Crystal King."

Skylor: "Who?"

Kai: "Some weirdo in a Kabuki mask visited Lloyd yesterday, spouting a bunch of villain jabber."

Lloyd: "He said someone called the "Crystal King" is assembling our enemies against us."

(Y/n): "Wait. But Jalen and Elijah aren't our enemies. Why would they even want them? Sure, Elijah has the brains while Jalen has the strength in the team but why them? Who wants them? And why?"

Lloyd: "That's what we need to find out. Darreth, you gotta get us out of here to investigate this."

Darreth: "I understand! You're relying on me, and I won't let you down! That's a promise! I have one last strategy that just might work."

One of the guards walked towards them as they spoke up.

Guard: "Time's up, Ninja."

✿The Return of Jadeite's Sister✿Lloyd x F!Reader✿(Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now