◍Chapter 12: Blood on the tombstone◍

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(A/n- This takes place after the events of "Kyptarium Prison Blues")

❁(Y/n)'s POV❁

Sometimes I think about what happened...

Why did I let go?

Where did it all go wrong?

Suddenly, I felt someone slap me on my face as I woke up.

(Y/n): "Ugh... What time is it?"

Nobody said anything as I saw Pythor and Elijah dragging me through the subway tunnels... I realized that this was the same tunnel that me and the others checked. There were many crystal spiders leading us to the brick wall. One of the spiders climbed as it clicked a secret button. A part of the wall opened as they took me in.

Wherever they are taking me, it must be far since I was thrown in a pod with Elijah and Pythor. Like, bro... Don't throw me into it. Because now my head hurts.

(Y/n): "Where the f-"

Before I could speak up, I felt the pod move so quickly in the speed of light. I couldn't even hold on as it was speeding a lot. For a second, I could see my life flashing so fast that I couldn't even focus on any of them.

Suddenly, I felt it stop as my body slammed on the glass. I groaned as that hurt. It must've hurt so much since I blacked out... I could just feel myself being dragged somewhere. After a while, I woke up in a Vengestone cage as I had chains in my hands.

(Y/n): "Oh geez... Good thinking, b*tches! You think you can stop me with Vengestone? I'll get out in a flash, b*tch!"

I started to use my powers to try and break the Vengestone. I suddenly felt my body being electrocuted as I got shot back to the wall. I got back up as I saw that it was a high security kind of cell.

(Y/n): "Aw, come on! Y'all already know I was immune to Vengestone but electricity?! Really?!"

I scoffed as I sat down in the cell. Where am I? I don't even know. This place was filled with the robotic spiders as I was just trapped in a Vengestone cage that is secured with electricity... Who even made this?

As I looked around a bit more, I saw something interesting on the computer. It says "Project Jalen and Elijah have been completed..." Does that mean...?

(Y/n): "No way... So that Elijah is Elijah but he's being controlled! And maybe Jalen is too. So that's what happened to them... Wait... What's "Project sister?" What the heck?"

I raised my eyebrow as I was confused. What was the project sister? Whatever it was, I'm not going to stick around here much. I started to slam my body towards the bars as I got electrocuted again. I keep trying and trying as many bolts of electric shock my body. Eventually... I got tired as I lay on the ground.

(Y/n): "F*ck... I hate this."

As I just sat there, I could hear a small clock just clicking in my head. It kept going as I started to give up on my decisions. After a while, I heard the sound of footsteps getting closer to me. I looked up as I saw Jalen. They looked at me with their eyes... I could see that their eyes are lighter than before. Seems like they are under control of something.

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