♪Chapter 5: A Mayor Problem♪

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❁(Y/n)'s POV❁

We walked down the halls of Town hall to talk to the mayor about Ashpeera. My heels were louder as we walked down the halls.

(Y/n): "Couldn't we just break her out? Sounds easy for me."

Lloyd: "Do you wanna go to jail and be called a criminal."

(Y/n): "Well, no. Not like..."

I muttered the rest under my breath as Lloyd looks at me confused.

Lloyd: "What did you say?"

(Y/n): "Nothing! Nothing at all..."

I nervously laughed it off but I knew it would be a matter of time before Lloyd knows everything... We walked in the mayor's office as he was talking to his assistant.

Mayor Trustable: "Better yet, tell them I'm out sick! I've got a cold."

Lloyd: "We can see you, Sir."

Mayor Trustable: "Oh, those Ninja! Why didn't you say so? Come on in, fellas. Sorry about the mix-up."

We stood to the side as Mayor Trustable talked to his assistant, Dwayne. I never knew that Dwayne worked here now. I guess he couldn't take with Clutch's crazy adventure and all. Hm, good for him I guess...

Mayor Trustable: *Chuckles* "What can I do for you?"

Lloyd: "Well, Sir, it's about our friend, Nya..."

Jay: "She's the heart of our team!"

(Y/n): "And my girlfriend!"

They all looked at me confused. I realized what I said as I blushed in embarrassed and went to fix my mistake.

(Y/n): "In a friendship way! Not in that way."

Jay: "Okay... Anyways, we thought we lost her defending Ninjago."

Cole: "But we just discovered we have a chance to save her and bring her back!"

Mayor Trustable: "Oh! That's great! Really, really great! I'm gonna play through with it, keep talking. I'm listening."

The mayor started to play mini golf while he listened to us talk.

Lloyd: "But we need Aspheera's help. So we have to let her out of Kryptarium."

The mayor was shocked at what he just heard from us.

Mayor Trustable: "Aspheera? As in Aspheera-who-destroyed-half-the-city-with-her-lava-serpent-army-Aspheera?"

Jay: "Yeah, her. Oh, and we also need her staff, which is locked up at Borg Tower. She can't use her powers without it."

Mayor Trustable: "Look, we know Aspheera is dangerous, but we'll be watching her the entire time. We promise to protect Ninjago!"

Mayor Trustable: "Like you protected it from that video-game thing? And the giant sea-serpent? And those creepy black clouds?"

✿The Return of Jadeite's Sister✿Lloyd x F!Reader✿(Book 3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant