Soul Kitty (Mannequeen

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Ling: You have said you wanted a kitten, right?

Jahoon: Yeah? Where are you even bringing me?

Ling: Well, we are going to the pet shop! I’m going to buy you a kitten out of your choice!

Jahoon: Really?! Thank you very much but can’t we go to a shelter? I don’t want to buy a kitten when there are a lot of cats that require a new home after being abandoned by heartless humans.

Ling: You have such a beautiful and loving heart. Whoever you choose is going to be such a lucky kitten. And also anyone who gets to know you and befriend you is going to be lucky as well.

Jahoon: How much do you need? 

Ling: Just 50.000 won will be fine. 

I shook my head with a sigh but pulled out my phone to send her the money. If my friends are in need, I will help them out if I can. We arrived at the shelter and walked inside to see a lot of dogs and cats crowded together. It was unbelievably heartbreaking to see so many animals get abandoned because people “don’t have time” for them. That is one of the reasons that I wanted to adopt rather than buy. There are so many animals that need a home. It is better to help out them than buy from people who breed animals to sell.

Jahoon: Hello! I’m looking to adopt a kitten today.

Shelter worker: Hello! Welcome to Soulmate Shelter. That is so great to hear. Unfortunately, we have a lot of abandoned kittens that need their forever home. Please follow me and we will find the right kitten just for you.

Ling and I followed close behind the worker as we looked around the place for a kitten. We spent a lot of time looking for one but none of them really connected with me. We continued to search until I walked past a cage with a kitten hidden in the back of it. I stopped and backtracked to look at it. It was looking like it was really scared and didn’t want anything to do with anyone.

Jahoon: What is wrong with this kitten? She looks like she is scared of everyone and anything.

Worker: We don’t know the full story of her but we found her on the streets completely malnourished and scared. No one has been able to get close to her because she would always bite, scratch, and scream like she was going to be murdered. I recommend getting another kitten.

Jahoon: What is her name? Cera? I think she is just scared. Can I give her a try?

Ling: Do you think that is a good idea?

Worker: If you want to but I have to warn you.

The worker grabbed the key to the cage and opened it for me. I stood in front of it and laid my hands down with the palms up carefully on the edges of the cages to not startle the kitten.

Jahoon: It's okay. You don’t have to be scared, I won’t do anything.

I said in the calmest voice possible and smiled at it. I didn’t want to reach out to her in case she didn’t like it or she just wanted some personal space. A few minutes passed by and it seemed like nothing was going to happen since the kitten kept staying in her little corner but all of a sudden the kitten began to slowly move its way to me. It started to smell my hands from a far distance and retreated itself back to its little corner. It walked back out to me again and sniffed my hands before beginning to lick them. After some time, I managed to pick her up and snuggled her closer to me. Cera seemed to like it as she snuggled closer to me and let out a content purring.

Worker: That is incredibly unbelievable. I have never seen her doing anything like that with anyone, whether it's the staff or visitors. You guys are really like a match made in heaven to each other.

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