One more chance (Mannequeen Funky_y [Yeo Eunji] x oc)

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It has been a long time since I have danced since I was bombarded with work. Today was finally the time when I finally gathered the strength to go to a lesson. Most likely because my friend dragged me into this.

Yoonji: What are you doing daydreaming?! Hurry up before we are going to be late for the lesson! I have been trying hard to get us a spot today! Do you know how popular this teacher is?! Come on! Hurry up!

Yoonji ran over to my bed and grabbed my arm, trying to drag me out of my bed. I groaned and just let her pull me up. I changed into my practice clothes and packed my bag before "walking" out or more like I got pushed out by Yoonji. All the way to the practice room where the lesson was going to be held.

Jahoon: Where the heck are all the other students? I thought that we were running late. When does the lesson even start?

I looked around the studio to not find a single soul in there. I turned around to look at Yoonji with a raised eyebrow.

Yoonji: Well... first in two hours-

Jahoon: In two hours?!

I took a deep breath before storming at her, making her run away.

Yoonji: Wait! Jahoon! Wait! Give me a chance to explain!

Jahoon: You better have a good one or else this will be your last lesson.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Yoonji opened her mouth and was about to say something when the door to the practice room opened up and Eunji walked inside the room. I looked between Eunji and Yoonji. I turned towards Yoonji to give her a lesson for bringing me here but she quickly ran out of the room and locked the door after her. I could see her looking apologizing at me before hurrying away. I sighed and turned around as I didn't want to face Eunji.

Eunji: Jahoon... I know that you don't want to see me ever again and I'm sorry for tricking you into coming like this but please listen to what I have to say.

I turned around to look at her. My head told me to hate her after what she did but my heart still longed after her. I still did even after it had been so long. Hold on Jahoon. You have to keep yourself on your toes. You can't just forgive her so easily like that. Especially after what she has done to you.

Suddenly Eunji began walking closer to me. I wanted to back away from her but my body wouldn't let me. The only thing I could do was to freeze in place. She grabbed my hands and held them tightly in hers as she stared directly into my eyes.

Eunji: I never intended to hurt you. I never wanted anything to happen. I really love you Jahoon. I do. Ever since that day, I have blamed myself every hour of the day and just wished that I could turn back time. If I could do that, I would never have left your side.

Jahoon: Really? Well, it doesn't sound like that on that day.

I pulled my hands away and stepped back while glaring at her.

Jahoon: That day you left me most miserably and disgustingly way ever. You left me, telling me that you didn't love me anymore after you had been cheating on me for a long while. You gaslit me to believe that I was the only one for you. After all that I have done to you.

Eunji: I know and I feel really disgusted with myself as well. I should never have gotten into it in the first place. Even I got tricked but I know whatever I say, you won't believe me.

Jahoon: You are right for once. I don't believe any of it.

Eunji: Please Jahoon. Please believe me when I say that I didn't want to hurt you, I didn't want it to happen. I really love you Jahoon. Please give me one more chance to prove it to you.

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