Love shoot (Deep n Dap Soll x OC)

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Manager: Are you ready for today's schedule? It's going to be very special. And you are going to meet an extraordinary person.

Jahoon: Very special... you haven't even told me what this schedule is about and who I'm going to meet. You are not joking with me right now, right? There is not a hidden camera somewhere in here, right?

I tossed and turned around, trying to find a camera or two but there was none. My manager chuckled and shook her head.

Manager: It's not a hidden camera, it's not a joke. You are really going to meet someone special but I can't tell you anything right now or it won't be a surprise. But one thing I can promise you is that you are going to love this schedule and hold this chance dearly.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow as she just smiled weirdly while driving. Well... I'm going to die today...

A little while later, we arrived at an unknown building. There were a lot of cars around, so at least I will be safe. Though I knew that I was not going to be killed. I followed behind my manager and inside what seemed to be the main building. The inside was decorated and prepared for a photo shoot. It was decorated with a kind of ocean vibe like it was prepared for a beach shooting. Mind you we are in the winter season right now. But I didn't think much of it and just went with the flow since I now knew this would be a photo snoot. I still had a question on my mind. Who was the important person for today?

Photographer: I'm sorry Jahoon but we have to wait a bit more. The other model for today is a bit late because of traffic.

Jahoon: Don't worry about it. Stuff like this can happen.

The photographer bowed apologetically and walked away. I sat back down on my chair in the waiting room and played with my phone. About 30 minutes later, I was called out to the set by one of the staff. I walked out, not really excited or anything since I had done this many times before but as soon as I saw the other model my jaw dropped. Like literally dropped.

Manager: You know, you look like a pervert right now staring at her like that.

My manager appeared from behind me and closed my mouth by lifting my jaw. It was hard not to stare when you had literally an angel in front of me. Standing with some of the staff was Soll from Deep n Dap. I have been a fan of hers for a long time now. I accidentally saw a video of her dancing online and somehow she just caught my eye and I wanted to know more about her. Ever since that day, I had followed her very regularly and kind of passionately which didn't go unnoticed by my manager.

Jahoon: Sometimes I hate you but this time I really love you.

I turned around to face my manager and pulled her into a hug. Tight enough for her to know my gratitude but not too tight to mess up with the outfit for the shoot. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves down and made my way over to her.

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