Rivalry (Lady Bounce Biggy x OC)

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Being in the dance scene for more than a decade means that you have more than a decade of experience but that also came with rivals and jealousy from other people. One in particular was Biggy from Lady Bounce. The two of you had been rivals ever since you guys attended middle school together and were in the same class as well as the same dancing class. Even in the same dancing school after school. You could say that the two of you were inseparable but that wasn't really the case. Neither you nor Biggy could stand each other. And that was an understatement in itself. You guys absolutely hated each other. Biggy hated you because you were more successful in dancing than her. You always got first place in every dance competition and you were always the most successful in class. In short terms, you outdid her in everything. As for you? Well at first you didn't hate her but as time went by and Biggy's jealousy got to you, you randomly began to hate her as well even though there was no root to it. It made you stare daggers at each other every time you guys passed by each other.

Cera: Hey Jahoon. Look who is coming.

I looked up from my phone and at Cera and then in the direction that she was looking to see Biggy walking towards us in the hallway with her friend Nob. I just rolled my eyes in disgust. She was walking down the hall like she owned it even though she wasn't any more special than everyone else in this school. She walked past me and glared at me with a huff before walking away with Nob linked to her arm. I shook my head and turned my attention back to my phone.

Amy: It is really about time before the two of you go on each other. By the way, who do you guys think is going to win? I vote for Jahoon.

Funky_y: That is what you are worrying the most about? What about figuring out why the two of them hate each other so much and help them become friends? This has been going on for quite a while now.

Amy: Alright... So why do you hate her Jahoon? Because you think she is prettier than you or because she is more popular because I think you are more pretty and more popular than what she ever could be.

Funky_y: Amy!

Amy: Alright alright... I'm sorry...

Jahoon: I don't really hate her for anything. I don't have anything I hate her for. I just hate her guts. I just don't understand why she would hate me when I have done nothing towards her. I admire her dancing and want to get closer to her but the way she is acting is just too unbearable.

Mina: Maybe you should go and have a talk with her? Just the two of you? To clear everything in between you guys.

Jahoon: Maybe but the way she is acting now, I don't think that will be a possibility. To be honest, I don't want to think more about it. All of this is her problem, not my problem. We should better focus on practice since the Star competition is coming up soon. It's a one-on-a-lifetime event and for us to be able to join is really like winning the lottery. We shouldn't mess up this chance.

Funky_y: And you still wonder why people mistake you for the leader of our group?

Jahoon: Alright guys! Are you ready for today's performance?

Redy: Did you call for me?

I turned around to see our friend Redy standing behind us with the rest of our friend group: Halo, Haechi, Miki, Ling, and Redlic. Everyone laughed as I just shook my head at her silliness. Sometimes I wonder if I were the only one who carried the brain cells in the group. Ling came over to me and patted me on my shoulder.

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