𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 36

421 30 2

I don't know when was the last time I was this turned on.

The moment our lips meet a moan of pleasure leaves my mouth and move forward with our lips joined to stradle his lap.

Ishan devours my mouth in a way I've never been kissed before. He kisses me like he  will die if he doesn't.

"Say that again, sunshine" He rasps out. His lips brushing mine with each word and I'm still in the haze of his kiss that makes my lips burn. Not in a way that hurts but it makes me want to have more.

I hold him tighter without answering and his hands move to my hips, gripping the flesh harder in a possessive way.

"I asked you to repeat it, sunshine" His lips move to my neck. Biting, nibbling and sucking the flesh softly and I play with the ends of his hair.

"That it's not your fault. God.. Ishan" I whisper when he licks the path from my collar bone to my jaw and come back to my mouth like it's his home.

"What are you doing to me? " He nudges me forward with his hands going under his tshirt I stole after I took a shower.

In my defence, it was oversized and smelled heavenly.

Ishan's big calloused hands explore the skin of my stomach and all I feel is insecure.

After I realized ishan dated ayra, the girl adarsh is currently fucking I feel so insecure even though there is no need to feel that way.

Ayra is a fucking goddess with perfect amount of breasts and a hour glass figure and long brown hair and high cheek bones.

I stop his hands from lingering his hands a little to much on my stomach and he stops, his eyes dripping with lust, his gaze on me as his brows scrunch.

"Is something wrong? " Ishan's hoarse voice fans my cheeks and I bite my lip before pulling back a bit to see him properly.

"My body is not your type. I mean.. I have a little roll and I've seen your type today. " Insecurity laced my voice when I speak and j watch as his confusion fade away.

"My type? "

"Yeah.. Ayra.. You've dated her , right? "

"Yes.but she was my choice when I was a fucking teen. When I myself looked so ugly with acne on my face. Now, if I get a chance to choose, it would be you. "

His words knock the breath out of me and I stare at him with my lips parted.

"You're saying this just to get in my pants. You don't have to lie. I want this too." I smile softly at him making his eyes move from my eyes to my lips.

His gaze traces the swollen line of my lips from his kiss moments ago and purse them inside, hiding them from him.

In a moment, he pushes me on my back and hovers above me.

He leans and kisses me hard.

My hands go to his chest and stay there when he suddenly takes a hold of them with his one hand and pins them above my head and goes in for a kiss again.

I am out of breath and when I think he'll take it to next level and finally make the next move, he flips around and lays beside me.

Recovering from the kiss, I turn my head around to see him rubbing his eyes and looking at me.

"Come here" He pulls me to his chest, putting my head on his huge hard bicep and wrapping his other  hand around my torso and closing his eyes he takes a deep breath.

I don't speak just in the fear that I would spoil the moment and he will push me away again.

It feels really good in the current moment to be held by someone when you're feeling insecure about yourself.

I myself close my eyes and try sleeping when I hear ishan's words that whisper above my ear and I still.

"I cannot believe you're insecure about yourself when you're this beautiful, sunshine. But I will proof it to you that I am not saying that to fuck you for once." I don't breath or open my eyes, just wait for him to finish talking "and that's my promise"

He presses a kiss on the lobe of my ear and pulls comforter over me and rolls to the other side of the bed.

For a fact, I know that confession wasn't meant for me to hear it. It was a promise he made in the dark to himself. A promise he made when he thought I'm not listening or probably drifted off to sleep.

My heart hammers so loudly in my chest that I hear it in my head and breathe through my mouth to calm my senses.

I turn around to see ishan walking towards the washroom with a towel hanging on his shoulder in darkness.

The light from the washroom fills the light and he disappers taking the light away with him.

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