𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 1- unexpected proposition

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It was unusual.

The smiles she was receiving besides the greetings were weird for her since she doesn't tolerate indiscipline while working and hence her employees smiling at her was definitely unusual.

even though she is a complete opposite the moment she steps out from the office building.

She earned her position of a COO in mehra's security company which was one of the biggest and the most trusted security company known worldwide.

But ashi didn't let that get to her mind. She was a literal sunshine which can also be considered as a human beam who looks forward to see the brighter side.

Upon being curios on why all the employees are smiling brightly at her, ashi timidly takes a glance of herself on her phone checking if there's something funny on her face , there after being the reason behind the smile everyone is giving.

Her heels click on the rich marble floor. Even though no one appreciates but Ishan mehra, The CEO aka the scowl man has spent a ton of money on the interiors of his office, ashi thought.

Opening the door of her cabin room, ashi took off her blazer and drapes it around the big chair made out of plush leather that is also very expensive. Almost equal to her monthly salary.

That might be a bit exaggerating since ashi earns a really good amount of money but in the end no one sees the amount of struggle and hardwork she put in to reach where she is today.

Her personal assistant aka her bestest friend alia who had her back when no one else supported her comes in wearing a big smile too , holding a cup of tea and a bag of salty biscuits ashi loves.

"Hello, jaan" Alia dramatically bows in front of her best friend causing her to chuckle as she returns the same bow with the same dramatic expression.

"Hello to you too my dear" Ashi takes the first sip of her tea. Tea was ashi's love. Her first true love and one mistake in the tea offered to her will be more than enough to spoil her whole day.

Ashi can forgive anything and anyone but the ones who disrespect chai Or Mistakingly say that they prefer coffee over tea? . It's over for them.

"This is what Gods drink in heaven" Ashi moans at the feeling of hot liquid going down her throat as she takes a bite of her small button sized salty biscuits that were like a chef's kiss with the delicious drink.

"Ishan sir requested to see you in his office at 11" Alia mutters going through something in her ipad causing ashi to choke on her drink.

That was also very fucking unsual since both of them didn't have a conversation other than glancing at each other in weekly meetings or sudden unannounced meetings.

Getting a request from a person who wouldn't even reply to your greetings or wish you a good morning was like a big blow to ashi's ego but she ignored that fact and continued wishing him nonetheless.

"Did we have this scheduled? " Ashi asked her best friend with firm tone changing her demeanor to a professional in the blink of an eye.

"Yes, ma'am" Alia nods in response making ashi even more curios of why the devil wants to see her in person.

Ashi checks time on the big digital clock in front of her desk and gets up to wrap up her meeting with the big guy since her curiosity is touching peaks.

"Did he get to know about the chair in the meeting room? " Ashi whispers to herself in shock as last 7 years flashes infront of her eyes.

"Is he going to fire me? Is it possible to fire a COO?" Done with asking herself a series of questions and convincing herself that it wouldn't be that bad. Ashi takes a step and gets out of her cabin.


Big grin on everyone's face. As much as ashi loved seeing people around her smile it was getting on her nerves that she doesn't know the reason.

Walking towards the room of her grumpy CEO. She takes a deep breath before bringing her fist and knocking on the door.

Upon hearing a "come in " In a deep voice ashi pushes open the door revealing ishan mehra himself sitting behind a extral large wooden desk that has some very intricate designs engraved on it.

She almost gagged when she noticed how organized this man was. Everything on its place separated by a perfect distance.

"Good morning, sir" Ashi greeted him politely and took a oath Internally to walk out of he is not greeting back.

Ishan's hands hover above his macbook as he stops in midway to see the person he requested to meet.

"Good morning, ms. Kaur. Take a seat." Ishan told ashi Motioning with his hand. His eyes not moving from his screen.

Relieved. Ashi felt happy that he greeted her back. Even though she is a grown woman and has spent 26 years in this world, there were very simple things that mattered to her.

"You requested to meet me, sir" Ashi said taking a seat ever so politely and waits for ishan to convert his attention from the fucking laptop to her.

"I swear I didn't break the chair, sir" Ashi explained hurriedly before he even starts causing ishan to look up.

"What? "

"The chair in the meeting room. It wasn't me who broke it. I swear. You can check the cameras if you want. I fell off from the chair that day-

For someone who loved behaving professionally assumed things and went on ranting about the things that don't even get noticed by ishan.


Ishan raises his hand stopping her from speaking any further.

He finally closes the laptop and places it away from him properly and now focusing completely on the lady in front of him.

"I have a proposition for you" Ishan announced before planting his hands on the edge of the table.

"What is it , sir? " Confused, ashi asked.

"I want you to be my fiance for a month"

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