𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 13

507 33 18

The first ball and ishan hits it with all the power he has.

The ball goes up in the air and lands somewhere on the ground with a soft thud. No one made efforts to catch it.

She threw it again and the process repeated till he made runs no one was counting.

But it was all fun till she threw a ball and it directly hit the wickets causing them to scatter around his legs.

She screamed. So loudly that everyone started laughing at her.

Ashi threw her hands up in the air danced her way towards ishan who stood there watching her laugh her heart out even it was to shame him.

She made her way towards him dancing with her lips turned inwards and ishan stood there.

With one hand on his hip and other holding the bat, he laughed. Laughed out loud looking a his feet, shaking his head.

"Come on pretty boy. Hand over the bat" She propped her hands in front of him and raised her eyebrows.

Ishan complied. Handing over the bat and walking past her to pick the ball up from where it was lying. It was his turn to ball now.

Ashi's turn was about to start when ishan's father entered the garden with a mug of tea and a newspaper in his hand. He looked at everyone and caught ashi's gaze.

She smiled brightly at him. Knowing it will only piss him off.

"No cheating guys! Cheaters are not allowed here!! " She shouted moving her hands in the air.

Ishan's father stilled in his position looking at her confused.

"Uncle! You want to join us? " She asked him standing feets away from him.

Adarsh looked at her from top to bottom and scowled at her, turning around he left the area without looking back.

Ashi chuckled to herself, and her gaze collided with ishan's who was barely trying to hold his grin back.

Ashi winked at him casually raising her shoulder and walking towards her position again.

Ishan threw the ball and it hit the wickets in the first try.

Her smile, excitement, face and heart all droped along with the ball that went somewhere behind her.

All the cousins cheered again, clapping their hands, giving each other high-fives while ishan just smirked at her.

"That was a trial ball. Bring it on" She announced again making everyones jaw hang open and scowls started coming at her.

She smiled at all of them and looked at ishan.

"That was a good one, mehra. Bring it again! " She stuttered but still Motioned him to throw the ball at her.

And he did.

She continued making runs just like a pro she was at cricket. Batting for the most of it and crossed ishan's mark.

It would have continued till the evening if it weren't seema who called them inside.

"Sun is above your heads and you all want to play outside in that weather? Come inside! " She scolded all of them causing them to make their way inside and freshen up for lunch.

Because hygiene is important in mehra household.

"Isha come here" Seema used a unsual tone. Her soft voice voice was long gone and all she was depicting was anger.

She was angry at something and still couldn't portray it loudly because her siblings and her sister in laws were all there. Her in laws and her blood family was all present. Watching her moves and observing them.

Isha made her way towards her mother in confusion.

"Go and tell your dad to come down and have lunch."

Isha rolled her eyes, huffing a breath of air out of her mouth.

"You both are the ones who fight and we have to suffer! " She muttered under her breath before turning away and walking towards her fathers room.

Seema glared in Isha direction before putting a fake smile on her face and calling everyone to have lunch.

On feeling weird, ashi turned to ishan who was busy on his phone doing something she was least interested in.

"Did something happen? "She eyed him carefully. She saw the grooves between his eyebrows deepen at question.

" No"

He didn't wanted to put out the dirty laundry of his house in front of ashi, who was still a stranger. Ishan didn't see her in the future of mehra family, so what was the point of telling her that his parents fight like teenagers in a house full of family members?

He replied walking straight where Isha went and disappeared in his room.

She was left there alone,to help seema lay the table down.

Ishan Walked in his room and cleaned up. He was all sweaty from playing in dust and under a very hot sun.

Done taking a shower, he came out to find a few missed calls from his best friend, kabir singhania.

He called him back while dressing up again. He knew he doesn't call unless it was something wrong.

The moment he picked his phone up and pressed it to his ear, he started speaking.

"To what do i owe the pleasure of receiving this phone call" Ishan spoke first.

Kabir was a ruthless man. The opposite of what he looks and seems. He can go to the very end of the limit of bad things if anyone messes up with him. It was good to be in his good books or he just shows what will be the consequences.

"Mehra, I've been hearing things about you"

'He sure as hell didn't hear anything.' Ishan thought. It is always him who digs up the buried bodies of people's pasts and enjoys filing them up for fun.

"Get to the point, kabir. Why did you call? " Ishan grunted and was moving towards the end of his patience.

He got even more annoyed and irritated when he heard him chuckling at the other side.

"You are resigning from your company and handing it over to your dad? "

What the actual fuck?

When did this happen? He will never in his life will take a bizzare decision as that especially for his own hardwork.

"What the fuck? "

Kabir was damn entertained by making him all worked up.

"Who told you this? " The question popped out of him and he started pacing in the room with only sweatpants on his body.

"Your father apparently got to know about the fake dating plan that is going on between you and your COO. He is pulling out rules that says you need to be married to own the company"

Ishan felt like someone punched him in the gut and his breath is knocked out of him at the same time ashi enters the room and frowns seeing that look on him.

"Is everything okay? "

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