𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 14

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Ashi entered the room to a very naked ishan again.

Why is he roaming naked today? She thought to herself before noticing the look on his face.

It was very different than his usual scrunched brows or a scowl. Was he nervous?

Not able to hold it back she asked,

"Is everything okay? "

Entering the room further she walked upto him and stood in front of him with a very worried face.

Why does she have to be so kind and ask what happened even when he hurt her?

"Yes.. Yes.. I'm fine. What happened? Do you need something? "He rasped out trying to be as calm as possible. He couldn't let her see that he was on the verge of getting a panic attack.

" Yeah.. Maa called you for lunch"she said. She was still not satisfied with his yes I'm fine but she ignored the weird feeling in her body.

"I'll be there okay? Give me five minutes" Ishan said bringing the phone to his ear again.

Practically, kabir was listening how his friend was talking to his fianceé.

Muttering a small okay with a nod, ashi left the room with one last glance in ishan's way.

"Tell me" Ishan said the moment ashi closed the door behind her.

He was nervous. To loose all of the hardwork he did behind those companies that were worth more than multiple billions. And his work was more than important for him. It was his entire life.

"Was that my dearest sister in law? " Kabir's sentenced was laced in humor and excitement on seeing his best friend finally being nervous around someone.

"Shut up. Tell me about what you were telling" He pointed with a sharp tone.

Ishan pulled out his laptop and punched the codes trying to fetch his data but nothing was coming up. He was trying on fetching the data of his finances but was failing everytime. It was bugging him since last two days but he thought it must be a glitch or something related to the ip address.

Something was wrong and aryan's statements confirmed it.

Kabir laughed in response making him feel even more annoyed and irritated. He just got out of shower and he already felt hot.

"Your asshole of a father got to know that you're in India with your fianceé and he planned this against you"

Kabir is always calm and calculated. Having a solution about everything.

"How can he do this! My business has nothing to do with him! " Ishan's tone was going higher. And he pressed a fist to his mouth trying to fight for his breath.

"Exactly. He is too smart and he reached out your partners that have major share in a few of your companies and put them to work to collect all of your important documents that you left in your fucking office"

Kabir was too smart in digital shit. In seconds, he tracked down many who tried betraying him or harm him. No matter how difficult the work is, he gets it done in the blink of an eye.

Ishan waited for him to continue because he knew there's more. He knew it's going to get worse.

"He made them change the contract to I quote 'if ishan mehra gets married he will be the equal partner or the contract will be retracted and he will have to pay 800 million dollars as the compensation'.

He stilled in his place. Like a frozen statue kept for decorative purposes.

He had no idea how to process that let alone thinking of a solution.

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