𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 44

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I walk over to his side where there are no wires and sit down on his bed.

"Have you been crying? " Ishan asks, staring right through my soul and I look at anywhere but him.

"Why will I cry for you? " I ask, turning my head away from him.

The sound of buzz fills the room and I see ishan pressing a button on the side of the pillow and adjusting the angle of his bed.

I look at him and he's still staring.

My cheeks heat up and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I cannot believe I'm actually seeing you worry about me and cry for me. "

I'm crying again. Oh god! He's going to give me shit for this.

"I can't help it . It's just too overwhelming to see you attached to wires like this and.. And I don't even know why I am crying for YOU. " My nose runs and I wipe my tears with the sleeve of his sweatshirt.

"I deserve empathy too, sunshine. Do you think? " He asks, sprawling his hand out for me and  I take it.

"I didn't mean you don't. I mean why does it hurt me to see you like this. "

He pulls me forward and now we're really close to each other.

His hand rests on my stomach and he rubs the skin there making my body tingle in a delicious way.

"Maybe you're catching feelings for me? Or falling in love with me? " His question spirals in my mind for seconds and then I see his face.

Humor dances in his eyes and a small smile is etched on his face.

"You're not my type, Mr. Mehra. Don't worry I'm not falling for you."I narrow my eyes at him and pat his hand lightly and he nods in understanding.

I lie even though ishan is completely and ridiculously my type. Sweet talker, rich, family guy, hot and handsome.

" So you let all the boys who are not your type eat your pussy like they own you and pass out with pleasure getting to your head? "

I gasp covering my mouth and his with one hand and he laughs behind it.

"There might be secret microphones in here, ishan you cannot just say this kind of stuff so casually! " I lean back with my palm on his chest and he grips it, pulling me to him.

"Don't worry, Mrs mehra, even if they hear what I said I won't let anyone see another day on this earth." His words settle on   my skin, blood  rising to my cheeks and  chills spread all  over my body.

"Now be a good girl and ask Kabir to take you home." Ishan tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear and waits for me to reply.

I pull my hand away from him and stand at a distance.

"I am not going anywhere. I'll leave when you get a discharge from here."

He sighs in  response. I won't leave, not before he tells me what was the reason behind this attack. He could've lost his life and for some strange reason that makes me want to throw up.

Before I ask him more about it, there's a knock on the door and Kabir enters, looking directly at ishan.

"Rishabh's wife is here to meet you."

Ishan nodded agreeing to meet them and Kabir leaves closing the door shut behind him.

Two seconds later, avni, rishabh's wife enters the room with a man behind her and my body goes numb seeing who it is.

Dev, my ex boyfriend who cheated on me, manipulated me into transferring the hard earned money of my parents after their death to his account and leaving me on the road when ny uncle denied keeping me in house.

He walks behind avni. His face is the same but his body grew up. Same dirty brown hair but he highlighted them golden from front and it looks ugly as fuck.

All the preparations for rishabh's wedding made me forget that dev will officially be a part of the family from now on.

Dev's gaze flicks from ishan to me and disgusting shivers run down my spine at his evil smirk that he passes to me.

"How are you, ishan? " Avni's soft voice makes me break my eye contact from her brother and i look at her to find all concerned for ishan.

"I'm good now. But I'm really sorry rishabh wants to postpone the wedding when it's really not necessary." Ishan gives her a small smile rubbing the back of his head.

I feel dev's creepy gaze on me at all times.

What is the problem with this guy?

"What are you talking about? We wouldn't want to host a wedding without you in it." Avni passes a understanding smile and squeezes his hand.

My time to walk out of the room.

I excuse myself from there and take a deep breath once I'm out but my relief wasn't long lived.

"How are you, darling? " The deep voice calls behind me and i don't have to turn around to know who it it.

I know the voice who gave me so much trauma and trust issues really well.

I turn around to find dev with a sinister smile plastered on his face standing with his hands inside his pockets.

Coming out of the room was a mistake.

I shake my head, ignoring him and try walking past him only for him to block my way.

"Leave my way"

His smile grows wider and more disgusting. Cannot believe the teenager in me really thought he was hot as shit.

"Talk to me, ashi. Come on, now. We grew up but you grew up to be a really fine woman." Dev's gaze falls to my chest and all i do is control my urge to slap the shit out of him.

Taking a deep breath, I stand my ground, not letting him realize my hands are shaking.

"I don't want to talk to a piece of shit like you. Move. Now."

I walk again and he grabs my wrist. With such a painful grip that a cry leaves my mouth and in an instant a punch lands on his face making him stumble. My hand slips from his hand.

I turn my head to see Kabir fix the sleeves of his suit like it was nothing and stares at dev with the ugliest scowl.

"I should not see you around her or else I'll cut your eyes out and feed it to your own dogs." Kabir points his inder finger at him and dev just wipes his nose and leaves the corridor without looking back.

I rub the spot on my wrist that left red marks from his hold and look at Kabir who is staring at me with a curious face.

"I won't tell him. Atleast for now." With that being said, he pushes the door open and disappears inside and at the same time, avni walks out.

She smiles widely seeing me and pulls me in a hug.

"If you need anything you can call me Or just text me. I'm here for you, okay? "

How are they both siblings? One is the epitome of evil while the other is so empathetic.

I nod at her, hiding my wrist behind my back and watch as she leaves before I enter the room again.

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