Chapter 29. Day in the Mall

Start from the beginning

"WHY I OUGHTA—" his yells were interrupted by Izuku.

"ANYWAY! Onto my next question." Izuku said, stopping a fight from starting inside his own mindscape. "My other question... Who were those figures I saw before you two stopped me from approaching them?"

Alex and James were silent at that question. Izuku could see the uncertainty in their faces and grew anxious. "It's okay if you two don't want to answer it..." he trailed off, only to be interrupted by Alex.

"They are the previous user's of One For All." he said, opting Izuku's eyes to widen. "We don't know how they got here but we stopped you from approaching them because it would've been too dangerous, even for you to equip All Might's quirk."

"Wha—? How so?" Izuku asked, confused about all of this.

"Blacklight and One For All are two of the most powerful quirks in your world. Combining the two will essentially turn you into a god. But both have drawbacks that will cause a lot of damage in your well-being. Making your already highly destructive quirk, even more destructive." he said, as a serious expression can be seen on the man's face. "We stopped you for that very reason. If you ever got a chance to get your hand on One For All, chances of your whole body exploding from the inside out is really likely." This caused chills to spread throughout Izuku's spine. Just the mere thought of his body exploding with that drawback almost made Izuku vomit.

"That's why One For All and Blacklight should never be combined in one body." Alex said, causing Izuku to have a thoughtful look on his face. Izuku's mind was still filled with images of him exploding from the inside out and it was very unsettling. It was Alex's hand that pushed off those thoughts and he smiled at him. "That being said, you don't need One For All to become the hero that you always wanted to be, you already have Blacklight."

"And every other quirk he copied." Heller added.

"And every other quirk you copied." Alex repeated.

Izuku chuckled a bit and nodded. "I understand." he said as he felt a faint pulling sensation from his head.

He panicked a bit, but Alex only laughed at this. "Looks like you're waking up. Good luck out there, Izuku. Congrats on ranking 35th."

"Same here." Heller said as he saluted the boy.

The current Blacklight wielder nodded and thanked them. It took him five seconds to fully fade away, leaving the two in his mindscape. Making sure that Izuku was fully gone, James looked over at Alex.

"Why did you lie about Blacklight and One For All?" he asked the hooded man, who just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know what you mean.."

"Don't give me that crap, Mercer. You and I know damn well that that kid wouldn't have any problem wielding both Blacklight and One For All." he narrowed his eyes on the original prototype. "So why the hell did you lie to him about that?!"

Alex looked up into the red sky with uncharacteristic melancholy on his face. "So that history won't repeat itself," he whispered. "I did so many despicable things in the world when I was alive and I barely felt remorse in all of my actions, thinking it was the right thing to do. The moment you came and put an end to my chaotic reign was the moment where I felt the most human throughout my life as the Blacklight virus. To be feared and to be hated for something that I thought would change the world for the better was something that I wouldn't want Izuku to feel."

James stared at the man before him and couldn't help but sigh. He was still mad at him for all of the chaos and destruction he did and all the innocent lives he had killed. He was sure that the man was heartless and had no emotion at all. But looking at the man in front of him right now, made him think otherwise.

Izuku Midoriya : The Reincarnation of Alex MercerWhere stories live. Discover now