Finally looking himself up and down in the mirror, Harry nodded in satisfaction and strode into the living room. He cast a Tempus charm, acknowledged the time, 4:30, and sat back, reclining on the couch. As he waited, his eyes drifted shut gently and he fell asleep.


Harry's eyes opened slowly when he heard the door click shut. A low voice said, "Harry?"

He sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes as Draco's shock of platinum blonde hair came into view. 

"Sorry. I fell asleep waiting." Harry said as he pushed a few rogue strands of hair away from his face.

"It's alright, I'm sorry I was out so long. I was making sure that everything was ready." Draco said with a sweet smile. "Are you ready for the surprise?" He asked with a familiar twinkle in his eye.

"Sure! What time is it?" Harry replied with a grin while going to pick up his wand. 

Draco stopped him saying, "It's 8 o'clock. It's perfect." 

Harry gave him a quizzical look and took the hand that Draco extended to him, pulling himself up. 

"You look nice, Harry." 

Harry felt a flush of pink rush up to his face, shocking him slightly. It could've been the light, but Harry could've sworn he saw a red tint to Draco's normally paler face. Draco was wearing a pair of light gray pants with a collared shirt in the deepest blue. His hair was swept to the side but not gelled, just the way Harry liked it.

Draco led Harry to the stairs before telling him to close his eyes and taking him up the stairs. Draco was beyond excited as he reached the garden at the top of the tower, overflowing with lilies, Harry's favorite flowers.

"Alright, you can open your eyes!" Draco said. Harry could feel the excitement in his voice. He opened his and stopped.

The garden was lit with small, gentle burning candles floating here and there, illuminating lilies of every color and size. There was a picnic blanket set on the permanently green grass, with tons and tons of Harry's favourite foods, and little pillows set at the top of the blanket.

 When he turned around he saw that none of the light from the rest of the tower was shining up, just darkness. The balcony railing had twisting vines of roses and lilies alike intertwined, spanning the whole width of the tower, small candles nestled into them and creating quite a spectacle.

"Oh my god, Draco...This is...beautiful..." Harry said, tearing up a bit.

Draco let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. He smiled at Harry, watching the candlelight reflect on his large green eyes, flickering to and fro. He gestured toward the blanket and food, placing a hand on the small of the brunett's back.

"Shall we?" He asked tentatively.

Harry gave him a smile that made his heart burst into beat.

"Sure! This all looks so good! Thank you so much Dray." Harry said as he walked over the the picnic, not noticing his slip up.

Draco's heartbeat was increasing at an alarming rate and he began to fear it might start to affect him. So he swallowed the blush spreading up his neck and strode over to the blanket.


For the next 2 hours Harry and Draco talked about everything. From school, to music, to foods. They gazed at the multitude of stars through the glass dome, blowing out the candles, and Draco showed Harry how to use the telescope, one hand on his waist and the other on Harry's own hand.

"Thank you Draco. This is really fun." Harry said with small, tired smile. He was getting tired but he didn't want this to end. He walked out to the balcony, leaning on the railing, and began to use his magic to swirl the fire from the candles around in shapes. Draco followed not far behind, watching the shorter boy fondly.

"I'm glad you like it. I wanted it to be perfect." Draco said quietly, edging closer.  Harry continued to play with the fire, so Draco extinguished it and grabbed Harry's hand gently. Harry stared at him, sleepy, but confused. 


"Dray" Harry replied with almost a giggle.

Draco moved closer, until they were an inch apart. Harry stared up at the blonde's stormy grey eyes, pressing himself subconsiously closer to Draco's body. Draco took a deep breath and leaned forward. 

Their lips locked together perfectly, like they were meant to. The kiss was slow and sweet, making Draco want to stay that way forever.

{Hi guyssss! So! I know this one was long, but there was lot of preperation to get where I wanted to go! This was the longest one so far! I hope you enjoy! Have a great day/night girls/gals/non-binary pals}

Word Count: 1450

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