An Amused Minerva, A Moment Worth Looking Back

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Minerva furrowed her eyebrows, her pale dry lips pressed together as she watched the first year student in front of her fidgeting. She was quite speechless, she was just asked a simple question: was there a need to fidget like this? 

Even though he wasn't in her house, as a professor teaching the boy one of core subjects in Hogwarts she can express her concerns. In fact as a deputy headmistress of Hogwarts it was within her rights to question wandering students and check their well being.

Despite her stern appearances she was a total softie. Of course she wouldn't hesitate to hand out detentions and punishments. It wasn't wrong to say she loved and protected her students like a mother hen- um a lioness.

Though she had no children of her own she saw her students as her children. As someone once experienced the life of a boarding school student, she tends to keep an eye on first year students especially first year girls and lonely students.

She still often counsels first year students in her house or other three houses. Many first year students were prone to be homesick. Besides, there are various reasons for a student to be lonely. 

So imagine her surprise when she finds a lone raven claw first-year broodingly roaming around the castle when everyone is playing in the grounds happily. 

What made her puzzled was that he knew the boy and he left a deep impression on her. As far as she knew he wasn't the type to be lonely, much less absentminded and brooding.

'What is he doing here? shouldn't he go out and play with his friends in such nice weather?' she peered at him through her glasses 'I heard he was even becoming friends with older students. '

"Mr Reed, why are you not answering me?" Her expression was stern. She was going for the headmaster 's office but seeing the troubled way he looks she planned to enquire what was bothering him like a good teacher should do.

" Would you believe me if I told you, I was bored and casually exploring this part of the castle?" Nathan commented with his big innocent eyes.

"What do you think?" Minerva raised her eyebrow slightly, as she intensely stared at the boy infront of her. ' I guess what Albus and Thomas said about him wasn't completely baseless'

"Well, I guess you wouldn't believe me whatever I was going to say. Just what I need right now " Nathan grumbled under his breath.

"What did you say? " Minerva's sharp ears perked up, she was naturally able to hear most of what he was saying. She was a little irked and amused by his fearlessness.

"It's nothing professor" Nathan flinched and hurriedly shook his head. It was only now did he remember she had sharp hearing. Besides it was the first time he felt like his disguise was seen through. 

If not for her standing a few meters away he should have sworn. Her eyes were like torches that would expose his tricks and disguises. He was sure even Dumbles couldn't compare, that was kind of scary.

He had to admit out of all the people he met she was probably one of the very few who he found very hard to trick. She has sharp instincts that gave him the feeling she could tell whether he was telling the truth or not.

" Trying to fool your teachers blatantly, that's very unacceptable Mr Reed. That will cost you ten points from Ravenclaws, if you try to outsmart me by saying nonsense....mind you, I'm going to give you a week's worth of detention" Minerva narrowed her eyes trying to give him a severe reprimanding look. 

Nathan grimaced, ' Damn it, does she have to be this strict? There goes my chance of becoming a perfect Idol student ' He felt like he wasn't doing a proper job of convincing her.

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