Confusion Without Solution

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Rebecca and Gary, having been watching Gregory for several hours now, had noticed that he had changed in more ways than just mental. His outfit choices had changed, and he now wore a blue shirt rather than orange along with a dark jacket. He also had several more scars than before, as well as being much more malnourished and thin. His persona was completely new, and it wasn't impossible that Mole was right about him being an entirely different person. 

The two were constantly on their toes knowing that Gregory could wake up at any time. They anticipated for it, but were also highly nervous for what could potentially happen. Would he try to kill them? Would he switch up and start acting nice? Would he even wake up? Questions raced through their minds, but none of their thoughts could have predicted what happened when Gregory did finally wake up. 

Gregory sat up suddenly and, after looking around for a moment, asked, "Where's Mark? I know he's here." 

"Mark? Why do you want to know where he is?" Rebecca carefully asked, knowing how Gregory and Mark had deeply hated each other. 

"Answer my question." Gregory demanded. 

"I'm not telling you where he is unless you tell me why you want to know." Rebecca then enforced. 

Gregory huffed. His hand went to his side and searched for his sword, which had typically been attached to him, but it appeared to have been taken. "Where have you put my sword?" 

Gary shook his head. "We can't tell you that." 

"That's a family heirloom! You can't just take it from me!" argued Gregory. He had begun to look around the room, but his sword was nowhere to be found. 

"Yes we can." claimed Rebecca. "We aren't going to let you hurt us or anyone else here."

Gregory then laughed. "I don't need a sword to do that. And I'm not going to hurt you unless you refuse to answer my question. Where is Mark?" 

"I won't answer your question until you answer mine. Why do you want to see Mark?" Rebecca further pushed. She didn't want her brother to be attacked by Gregory, and she, even more, didn't want Gregory to be attacked by Mark. 

Sighing, Gregory gave in, simply answering, "He can help me."

Gary raised an eyebrow, confused. "How can Mark help you?" 

Gregory then gave the two in front of him a harsh glare. "I answered your question. Now quit asking me more and answer mine. 

Rebecca and Gary looked at each other, not entirely sure of what to do. Hoping that neither Gregory nor Mark would cause trouble, Rebecca left the room and, after a minute, walked back in with her brother.


"The fuck do you mean 'I'll tell you later'?" Josh exclaimed. 

Defensively, Damien rushed and explained, "It's just a long story and I'd rather not tell it to you right now. I'll wait until Mom gets home." 

"No. Tell me. I don't care if it's a long story." then stated Josh. 

"Nope. I'm not telling you. Especially if you don't get this idiot out of my room." Damien said, referring to Trent. 

Josh rolled his eyes. "Fine. Trent, you'll be sleeping on the couch now." 

"What the fuck?" questioned Trent. He made no other comments, though, and went to move his things to the couch. 

"Thanks. I'm still not telling you though." Damien claimed. He stood confidently for only a moment, soon realizing that his brother would not be taking no for an answer. Suddenly, Damien dashed away, Josh chasing closely after. 

Pip stood on his own, confused. He decided it would be best to leave the brothers to run around with their quarrel and instead interact with the others in the house. Trent still stood in the living room, and Katherine was in the nearby kitchen cooking dinner. Walking over in their direction, Pip asked, "Are these two always like this?" 

"Oh, yes. Those two are probably the most chaotic brothers on the planet." Katherine answered, laughing a bit before her expression dimmed a bit. "I hope they don't break anything." 

Trent then got up from the couch and joined them in the kitchen. He stared at Pip almost judgingly for a moment before saying, "You look familiar. Do I know you?" 

Pip then realized something. Trent did appear to be familiar, possibly being someone from Pip's childhood. "Did you go to South Park Elementary?"

"Yeah. I did." Trent replied. He then gasped. "Were you that annoying frenchie?" 

Memories flashed in Pip's head, and he was filled with fear. He did in fact remember Trent. Trent had bullied him severely in school and, on several occasions, almost killed him for fun. "No. That wasn't me." Pip lied. 

"Oh. Damn." said Trent. 

Katherine then piped in, saying, "No curse words in my kitchen, please."

"Sorry." Trent then apologized oddly respectfully. He, without a care, moved on from the previous conversation while Pip still stood scared.   

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