Volume 0, Chapter 2

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From the moment I decided to ascend at any cost, I understood that there would be sacrifices. However, that knowledge never dulled my will.

There is nothing in this world worse than lacking power, being crushed, and deemed inferior.

Rich, poor. The gap between opulence and poverty.

High education, low education. Disparities in knowledge.

City, countryside. Regional differences.

Poor youth, wealthy old. Generational gaps.

Japan is a society of inequalities.

What I mentioned are just some examples, but they truly encapsulate the Heaven and Hell of our reality.

The truth is that many things are never immutable. The poor can rise and become rich, and the rich can fall and become poor. If you're dissatisfied with regional disparities, you can move to the city. Although I understand the reasoning, I had nothing. I was born in the countryside, extremely poor, and unfortunately uneducated. My physical strength was average; I wasn't blessed with endurance or a hardworking spirit. If there's something that can be forced to fight, it's only youth. However, I wasted a lot of time without making use of it. A life crawling on the ground.

There was no way I could have a bright future; I could have lived a miserable life. However, I forged the future with my own hands because there was only one thing I had more than others. That is an uncontrollable and constantly expanding "ambition." I will definitely rise and stand at the top of this country. With that alone in my heart, I have kept on living until today. That ambition was the only thing keeping me alive. But there's still something inside me; it doesn't weigh more than my goal, but I want at least her to be alive.

— Hello, could you spare a minute of your time? My name is Shiba Taizen, the former guardian of Yuuichi.

Just before getting into my limousine, a elegantly dressed man intercepted me. Making a subtle gesture for Tsukishiro to follow us from a distance, I decided to accompany him to a small café.

— So, what do you want, Shiba Taizen?

— Is Mika someone important to you?

This individual is not common; his way of speaking seems that of a professional swindler... Shiba Taizen. I need more information.

— That's none of your concern.

— Hahaha, as expected from a politician. I only have one question. Would you say friends are more important than money?

In this conversation, the pressure intensifies, as if each word carries the weight of a crucial decision.

— It depends; we all assign value to friends, and we all have a limit at which they would cease to be friends.

I observe how his smile visibly grows, his eyes fixed on me, as if he's trying to read something beyond my words.

— And tell me, what value does Mika hold for you?

He steps back abruptly, as if my intense gaze touched a sensitive nerve.

— Hahaha, sorry, sorry, it was insensitive... But getting back to the point, why don't we play a game? It's called the "Uragiri Game."

— Uragiri Game? Give me a single reason not to leave right now.

— I don't think that would suit you.

Taizen calmly takes out some documents from his bag and drops them onto the table with an undisturbed expression as he utters a few words.

— White Room.

The information unfolding before my eyes is like a gust of wind that stirs up a whirlwind of questions. How? When? Where? The situation seems impossible. No investor betrayed us, there have been no changes or exits of instructors. So, how on earth did he get this information?

— Tsukishiro, don't kill him... If he knows all these details, it's evident that he has a way to tie our hands, am I wrong?

Tsukishiro remains silent, with his usual smile, but I can sense tension in the air. Shiba keeps his composure, but his eyes reveal a sharp understanding of the situation.

— Clever, although they're acting exactly as he said. Prepare at least 20 ways for the information to leak in case I die.

Shiba's order adds an urgency to the situation. Intrigue mixes with concern in my mind as I try to decipher the puzzle before me.

"Him," who is "him"? I can't help but ponder that reference. Before I can seek clarification, my attention focuses on the scattered documents on the table. My eyes meet a shocking list of accusations that leave me breathless.

This is the worst possible scenario: kidnapping and torture of children, along with at least 20 counts of murder and others related to the deaths of at least 30 children. The gravity of the accusations shakes me to my core.

It would be my end.

— You... How did you get this information?

Taizen simply laughs softly, a laughter that seems to contain dark secrets.

— Didn't it seem strange that two of your investors committed suicide? I simply have a true monster on my side.


Tsukishiro seems to want to speak, but he silences him with a look. The atmosphere feels tense, loaded with an unsettling mystery.

— What do you want...?

— I didn't say before. I want to play a game.

Gritting my teeth loudly, I keep my gaze on him.

— The game is quite simple. I give you 3 options. The first option is to give me the White Room, and Mika lives.

He slammed his fist on the table, violently.

— You're....

He just laughs and continues.

— The second is... You kill Mika, and then you can keep the White Room.

Tsukishiro immediately grabs Shiba by the neck, lifting him effortlessly, his smile disappearing for the first time.

— Ayanokoji-San, give the order, and I'll get rid of him.

Taizen simply gives Tsukishiro affectionate pats on the arm and shoots a glance at Atsoumi.

— Let him go, Tsukishiro...

— Cof cof Good choice, Atsoumi-Kun. The third option is...

The 50% of the White Room, and you won't have to kill Mika.

— What's the catch...

— None, it's just the option I want.

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