Volume 0, Chapter 1

359 9 5

The text presents an intriguing and emotional narrative, exploring different perspectives and situations. Here's an enhanced, detailed, and developed version:

In the quest for the most crucial essence of human existence, various candidates have been proposed: love, friendship, willpower. However, for many, the undeniable answer is money. No other facet of life gains relevance if we lack financial resources. This lesson, impactful and perhaps disheartening, was one of the first to embed its roots in my consciousness, though not the very first; that distinction belongs to the early understanding that the world is, fundamentally, a challenging place.

Throughout my life, I have indirectly confronted this premise, leaving a trail of ruin and disdain wherever I have walked. Although, in retrospect, I can mitigate some of the guilt by recalling that I was shaped by the circumstances of my upbringing.

— Yuuichi-Kun, how are you?

— Fine.

— Any plans now?

— About that... actually, I've conceived something interesting.

— Oh, and what is it about?

— I've discovered someone interesting, his name is Ayanokouji Atsoumi.



I've never been passionate about that color; it simply doesn't suit me. My boisterous personality, my extravagant tastes, are stifled by the monotony of this imperturbable white. Yet here I am, trapped in a world where white dominates, a world that breathes hygiene but exhales loneliness. After countless days, all I've perceived is this endless white, along with the unmoving blankets and pillow. It seems like a meticulously designed torture to remind me of my little one...

Despite my burden of guilt and the self-loathing I harbor, I yearn for happiness. And there's someone who has been extending a helping hand without asking for anything in return, filling that void. A small, kind child, starkly contrasting with the hospital's white. He's always there to help me, smile at me, and talk to me.

— Mika-San, are you okay? Is something bothering you?

I hear a concerned voice in front of me. I lift my head and see him: disheveled black hair, dark blue eyes, and a kind, innocent smile.

— It's nothing, just lost in thought...

My eyes visibly soften.

— Yuu-Chan, you don't need to accompany me every day. Why don't you go and have fun, make friends?

— Um... but you'll be alone.

— Don't worry, someone will come to visit me later.

— Uh, okay, Mika-San.

— Mouuu, it's been more than 2 months since you became my son. Call me Oka-San.

— Okay, Oka-San.

After he leaves, my smile fades quickly and is replaced by a strange feeling, fear.

Unaware of how much time passes, I open my eyes again, and the first thing I see is a familiar man. The silence remains uncomfortable.

— Atsuoumi, It's been a long time since we last saw each other. How is Kiyo-Chan?

He keeps his gaze hard and firm on me.

— He's fine, very talented, too much.

His gaze softens a bit.

— Mika... Is your condition very bad?

— Yes, very bad.

— And, can you still be operated on?

I shake my head in response,

— No, they can't, my body is too weak to withstand the operation... And I don't have the money to pay for it.

Atsuomi's gaze becomes much kinder.

— I told you before that I would pay, you're one of the few good things left in my world, you're more important to me than money.

— Thank you... Now that you mention it, I told something similar to my little one.

— Your little one?

— Eh, you don't know? I thought Tsukishiro would have told you... I adopted a child named Yuuichi-Kun. It was always my dream to have a family.

Atsoumi's gaze darkens while his face is overshadowed.

— I'm sorry, but I need to fulfill my goals... Even if it means destroying your dream. But I want you to know that....

"If there's a way to save you definitively, I'll help you find it."

It seems that somewhere, the Atsoumi I fell in love with is still alive.

— Okay, then I'm counting on you, Atsoumi-Kun.

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