I gripped the tankard in my hands and took a breath. "It's the walls. It makes it feel like a trap."

He cocked a brow and looked around the Inn. "A trap?"

"Like I'm an animal in a cage," I elaborated. "But I will be fine." I took a sip of my drink and hummed in delight at the flavor.

We sat quietly awhile, just sipping ale and listening to the chatter in the tavern. So far, there was no speak of the King or Wessex. I felt his eyes on me, but when I looked again, he looked across the bar. My stomach growled as I took another breath, and the scents of stew and fresh baked bread filled my senses with a new need for food.

"I have to piss." He stood but didn't leave immediately. This seemed like a question somehow. A question of whether I would be okay if he stepped out. This irritated me, I wasn't fragile, and I couldn't understand why he continued to treat me as if I were.

"Then go," I murmured. He contemplated a moment more before he left. Alone with my thoughts and the chit-chat of the room, I began to feel hot. I took a breath and looked out the window again. It was dark, and the moon was just a sliver in the sky. I wiped my clammy hands on my pants. Then, I reached out and touched the glass with my palm. It was cool and seemed to help relieve some of the panic bubbling under my skin. I started to lean forward, thinking if I could press my head against the glass, it could soothe the panic within there as well.

"Would you rather sit outside?" I jumped at his voice and then scrambled to catch my breath as I whipped my head in his direction.

"I'm fine." I finally managed.

"You are sweating and caressing the window," he seemed amused, though. His tone was playful. "We can sit outside."

My face flushed. Heat spread up and kissed my ears. I blinked and scratched at my ear lobe, feeling embarrassed with his eyes on me. I stared at him for a moment before nodding. It would be nice to be outside.

He picked up his tankard and motioned with his hand for me to go first. I grabbed my drink and went for the door. He opened it before I could reach the handle, and suddenly, we were outside. The cool air of the night rushed to cool me, and I took a long breath in.

I sat at a bench on the left side of the door, and he lingered without sitting. "I'm sorry. The walls, they make me nervous. Ever since the.." I trailed off. Why am I telling him this? I don't need to justify myself or my feelings.

"Since the?" His eyes were locked onto mine now. Curiosity sparked behind his pupils.

I swallowed. "Umm.. ever since the umm.. since Erik." My voice halted there. It was trapped inside my chest, and I didn't think I would be able to voice more if I wanted to.

His jaw clenched. I could see it flex in the dim moonlight and shadows cast by the torch behind him. The shadows of night moved as he moved and muffled out the details of his face as he sat down across from me. He spoke at last and said, "I understand." His voice was soft and genuine.

I nodded. My mind was desperate to find a new topic. I took a sip of my ale. A question formed in my mind now that the panic had begun to subside. How were we to hear the drama of the town from outside the Inn? I could barely hear the details of what the voices inside said.

"How are we going to hear anything?" I asked. My stomach rolled as someone opened the door to go inside, and a fresh waft of scent pulled my attention in that direction again.

Sihtric sat down his tankard. "We aren't." I couldn't see all the details of his face in the dark, but I could see the gleam of his eyes as it reflected the moon. He really wasn't a man that said much, at least not to me. However, his presence was comforting enough in this moment, and I wondered if it was because of the mission previously that we had shared or if it was because of the kiss.

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